rén xiōng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.fmlresp(polite term in letter writing) my dear friend

    • dàn yuàn wǒ men lín zhuō nà wèi rén xiōng bì zuǐ


      I wish our friend at the next table would shut up.

    • yǒu wèi rén xiōng mǎi le xīn de bīn shì wǎn shang kāi dào zhōu jì gōng lù xiǎng shòu


      A fellow bought a new Mercedes and was out on the interstate for a nice evening drive.

    • cháng jiāng fáng xiàn jiù quán kào nǐ men jǐ wèi rén xiōng la


      Yangtze River defense depends on you all.

Word usage

  • "仁兄" is often matched with measure word "位"or"些".
    • 仁兄

      one good friend

    • 仁兄

      some good friends

Chinese words with pinyin ren xiōng