rèn dìng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.maintain; hold; firmly believe; identify...with...

    • wǒ men rèn dìng yī qiè shì wù dōu shì zài máo dùn zhōng bù duàn wǎng qián fā zhǎn de


      It is our belief that all things develop constantly in the midst of contradictions.

    • wǒ men rèn dìng tā shì wú gū de


      We firmly believe her to be innocent.

    • dà jiā rèn dìng tā shì duì de


      Everyone believes she is right.

  • 2

    v.establish; set; set one's mind on; confirm; endorse

    • zhǐ yào rèn dìng le mù biāo jiù yào jiān chí bù xiè de gàn xià qù


      Now that you've set your mind on the goal, you must go through with the task.

    • zhè ge niú ròu bèi rèn dìng bù shì hé rén lèi shí yòng


      The beef was condemned as unfit for human consumption.