
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1 gratified; be satisfied; according to one's wishes

    • tā shì shì bù rú yì


      Nothing seems to be going the way she wanted.

    • zhù nǐ wàn shì rú yì


      May everything turn out as you wish.

    • xī wàng nǐ de shēng huó huì rú yì


      Hope your life will go well.

  • 2

    n.ruyi, an S shaped ornamental object, usually made of jade, formerly a symbol of good luck

    • tā sòng le wǒ yī bǐng rú yì


      He gave me a ruyi.

Word usage

  • "如" and "意" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 事情结果终于

      Things have finally been going the way he wanted.

Chinese words with pinyin ru yi