sǎn wén

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.prose; essay; sketch

    • zhè piān sǎn wén de zuò zhě shì shuí


      Who is the author of this essay?

    • tā de sǎn wén xiàng lái jiǎn jié yǒu lì


      His prose is always lucid and compelling.

    • tā xǐ huan dú sǎn wén


      He likes to read prose.

  • 2

    n.literary writings that do not observe the rules of rhyming (common in ancient China)

    • tā shàn cháng xiě sǎn wén


      He is good at writing essays.

Word usage

  • "散文" is often matched with measure word "篇"or"段".
    • 散文

      one essay

    • 散文

      one part of an essay