
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.merchant; trader; businessperson

    • tā jiāng chéng wéi yī gè yōu xiù de shāng rén


      She will be a good businesswoman.

    • tā shì wèi shòu rén zūn jìng qiě fù yù de lún dūn shāng rén de nǚ ér


      She was the daughter of a respected and well-to-do London merchant.

    • dāng dì yī wèi shāng rén juān le yī dà bǐ kuǎn gěi xué xiào


      A local businessman stepped in with a large donation for the school.

    • jiān zhà shāng rén


      tricky trader

Word usage

  • "商人" is often matched with measure word "名"or"个".
    • 商人

      one businessman

    • 商人

      one businessman