
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.shut the door

    • shuì jiào qián bù yào wàng le shàng mén


      Don't forget to lock up the door before you go to bed.

    • wǒ gāng shàng mén jiù xiǎng qǐ yào shi liú zài jiā li le


      As soon as I'd shut the door, I realized I'd left the key in the home.

  • 2

    v.drop in; visit

    • wǒ míng tiān shàng mén bài fǎng


      I'll pay a visit to you tomorrow.

  • 3

    v.marry into and live with one's bride's family

    • xiǎo lǐ shì shàng mén nǚ xu


      Xiao Li lives with his wife's family.

Word usage

  • "上" and "门" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们

      As soon as we got home, he shut the door.

    • 他们从来

      They have never dropped in.

    • 他们女婿什么时候

      When did their son-in-law go to see them?