
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.hour; moment; time; a point of time

    • wǒ men zhèng chǔ zài zhòng yào de lì shǐ shí kè


      We are right at a critical historical juncture.

    • hé jiā rén zài yī qǐ shì wǒ gǎn dào xìng fú de shí kè


      Being with my families is the time of rejoicing.

    • tā zài liáo yǎng yuàn dù guò shēng mìng de zuì hòu shí kè


      He gets through dying moment in a convalescent home.

  • 2

    adv.constantly; always; at all times

    • wǒ men yào shí kè bǎo chí qīng xǐng de tóu nǎo


      We should always keep a cool head.

    • tā shí kè guān zhù zhe guǎng dà rén mín de lì yì


      He was constantly concerned with the interests of the masses of the people.

    • wǒ men shí kè zhǔn bèi gòng xiàn wǒ men de lì liàng


      We are ready at any moment to contribute our strength.

Word usage

  • "时刻" can be reduplicated, for example: "时时刻刻".
    • 为人利益着想

      He always keeps the people's interests in mind.

  • "时刻" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 时刻

      one moment