
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.stone; rock

    • tā men cóng qiáng shang záo xià le jǐ xiǎo kuài shí tou


      They chipped several small pieces of stone from the walls.

    • zhè xiē fáng zi duō shù shì yòng shí tou jiàn zào de


      Most of the houses are built of stone.

    • zhè shì yī zuò jiǎn pǔ de huī sè shí tou fáng zi


      It was a plain, grey stone house.

    • hēi sè de shí tou


      black stone

Word usage

  • "石头" is often matched with measure word "块"or"颗"or"堆".
    • 石头

      one stone

    • 石头

      one stone

    • 石头

      one heap of stones