
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.right and wrong

    • gōng guò shì fēi shǎng fá fēn míng cái néng fú zhòng


      Only by distinguishing merits and demerits with rewards and punishments can we convince the public.

    • xiǎo hái zi bì xū xué xí biàn bié shì fēi


      Children have to learn the difference between right and wrong.

    • wǒ men yào fēn qīng shì fēi


      We have to distinguish right from wrong.

  • 2

    n.dispute; quarrel

    • nǐ xiū xiǎng zài wǒ men zhī jiān tiǎo bō shì fēi


      You can't think of arguing between us.

    • zhè yàng de huà kě bié luàn shuō shēng chū shì fēi lái fēi tóng xiǎo kě


      In this case, don't talk nonsense, because right and wrong come from no trivial matter.

    • tā men dào chù bān nòng shì fēi


      They talked about right and wrong everywhere.

Word usage

  • "是非" can be reduplicated, for example: "是是非非".
    • 以前我们

      Let's just forget about all the old quarrels and resentments.