
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.think; reflect on; ponder

    • wǒ zǒng zài sī kǎo zhè ge wèn tí


      This question has occupied my thoughts.

    • nǐ bì xū sī kǎo yǐ hòu gāi zěn me zuò


      You should reflect on what to do next.

    • wǒ méi kòng sī kǎo


      I had no time to think.

    • dú lì sī kǎo


      think independently

    • lái huí sī kǎo


      turn something over in one's mind

Word usage

  • Note
    "思考" is different from "考虑". The object of "考虑" mostly refers to the problem to be solved; the object of "思考" mostly refers to the problem to be recognized.
  • "思考" can be reduplicated, for example: "思考思考".
    • 需要时间思考思考

      This question is so difficult that I need more time to turn it over in my mind.

Chinese words with pinyin si kao