sōu shēn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.frisk; make a body search

    • duì xián yí fàn jìn xíng sōu shēn


      go over a suspect

    • wǒ men zài jī chǎng bèi sōu shēn le


      We were frisked at the airport.

    • tā duì dì di zǐ xì sōu shēn yǐ fáng tā àn dài wǔ qì


      He gave his younger brother a thorough frisk for a weapon.

Word usage

  • "搜" and "身" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 发现什么

      I frisked and found nothing.

    • 警察什么办法嫌疑犯?

      How did the police search the suspect?

    • 以后通过

      You can't pass until you finish being searched.