tào huì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.buy foreign exchange by illegal means

    • fēi fǎ tào huì de xíng wéi


      acts of illegal foreign exchange arbitrage

    • kōng jiān tào huì de tiáo jiàn


      the conditions of space arbitrage

  • 2

    v.engage in arbitrage (of foreign exchange; obtain large sums of foreign exchange without state authorization

    • tào huì huì lǜ


      arbitrage rate

Word usage

  • "套" and "汇" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 公安人员

      He was caught by police after illegally buying foreign currency twice.

    • 半天多少

      He has engaged in arbitrage of foreign exchange for a long time but hasn't made much money.

    • 美元

      He has made tens of thousands of dollars from arbitrage.

Chinese words with pinyin tao hui