
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.learn through practice; learn through personal experience; experience

    • tā chū cì tǐ yàn dà chéng shì de shēng huó


      She had the first taste of life in a big city.

    • tā zǒu jiē chuàn xiàng tǐ yàn zhēn shí de shēng huó


      He went on the streets to experience life in the raw.

    • tā tǐ yàn le yī xià xiāng xià de shēng huó


      He got a taste of country life.

  • 2

    n.experience; knowledge from personal experience

    • wǒ men zhèng zài xún zhǎo duì zhè zhǒng gōng zuò yǒu guo qīn shēn tǐ yàn de rén


      We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work.

    • zhè bìng bù shì wǒ suǒ qī dài de nà zhǒng xiáng hé ér píng jìng de tǐ yàn


      It wasn't the peaceful, composed experience I had expected.

    • zhè ge yóu xì gěi le wǒ liáng hǎo de tǐ yàn


      This game gave me a good experience.

Word usage

  • Note
    "体验" is different from "体会". "体会" emphasizes feeling and understanding; "体验" emphasizes experience and practice.
  • "体验" can be reduplicated, for example: "体验体验".
    • 假期体验体验乡村生活

      I would like to experience the country life during holidays.