
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.provoke the enemy to battle; challenge the enemy

    • dí rén zài xiàng wǒ men tiǎo zhàn


      The enemy is challenging us.

    • tā jué dìng bào míng cān jiā mǎ lā sōng bǐ sài tiǎo zhàn zì wǒ


      He decided to challenge himself by signing up for the marathon.

    • wǒ men yào bù duàn tū pò zì jǐ tiǎo zhàn jí xiàn


      We have to keep pushing ourselves and pushing our limits.

  • 2

    v.challenge to a contest

    • tā jìng rán xiǎng yào tiǎo zhàn guàn jūn


      I can't believe he wants to challenge for the championship.

    • nǐ gǎn tiǎo zhàn wǒ men zhī qián de jì lù ma


      Do you dare to challenge our previous record?

    • wǒ men liǎng gè bān lái gè hù zhù tiǎo zhàn hǎo bù hǎo


      How about a challenge between our two classes?

  • 3


    • wǒ men rèn wéi tiǎo zhàn yǔ jī yù bìng cún


      We believe that challenges and opportunities coexist.

    • zhōng guó qǐ yè shòu dào wài guó jìng zhēng zhě de tiǎo zhàn


      China's enterprises are challenged by overseas competitors.

    • wǒ men zhèng miàn lín yán jùn de tiǎo zhàn


      We are facing serious challenges.

Word usage

  • "挑战" is often matched with measure word "个"or"次".
    • 挑战

      one challenge

    • 挑战

      one challenge