wǎng bā

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.Internet/cyber cafe

    • tā xǐ huan zài kòng xián shí jiān pào wǎng bā


      He likes to spend his free time in Internet cafes.

    • chú le zài wǎng bā shǐ yòng hù lián wǎng wài wǒ bié wú xuǎn zé


      I had no choice except to use the Internet at a cyber cafe.

    • qǐng wèn nǐ zhī dào lí zhè lǐ zuì jìn de wǎng bā zài nǎ ér ma


      Can you tell me where the nearest Internet cafe is please?

Word usage

  • "网吧" is often matched with measure word "个"or"家".
    • 网吧

      one Internet cafe

    • 网吧

      one Internet cafe

Chinese words with pinyin wang ba