
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.questions (for an answer)

    • lǎo shī zhèng zài jiě dá xué shēng de wèn tí


      The teacher is solving the problem promoted by the student.

    • chū wèn tí shí wǒ jìn liàng bù jǐn zhāng


      I try not to stress out when things go wrong.

    • xué shēng yào jī jí tí chū wèn tí


      Students are supposed to ask questions positively.

  • 2

    n.problem; issue; matter; contradictions (to be solved)

    • tā méi yǒu duì zhè ge wèn tí zuò chū mǎn yì de dá fù


      He didn't give an adequate answer to the question.

    • jǐng fāng hěn bù qíng yuàn chā shǒu jiā tíng wèn tí


      The police are very unwilling to interfere in family problems.

    • wèn tí bù xiàng wǒ yù liào de nà me dà


      It is less of a problem than I'd expected.

  • 3

    n.key; crucial point

    • wèn tí bù zài zhè lǐ


      That is not the point.

  • 4

    n.mishap; trouble; accident

    • zuó tiān chē jiān li chū le wèn tí


      There was an accident in the workshop yesterday.

  • 5

    adj.fault; a bad situation

    • wèn tí bù dà


      This is not bad.

Word usage

  • "问题" is often matched with measure word "个"or"堆".
    • 问题

      one problem

    • 问题

      a lot of problems