CC 301 B

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Conversational Chinese 301 B.

yī dìng一定fixed; constant

gè zi个子stature; bale

zhōng wén中文Chinese language

jiǔfor a long time; a specified duration

luàn qī bā zāo乱七八糟at sixes and sevens

huìassemble; meet

wèiplace; position

zuòget up; write


jièborrow; lend

guāndoor bolt; shut

zài shuō再说put off until some time later; besides

chū chāi出差go/be away on official business; go away to undertake tasks in transport, construction, etc.

chū mén出门go out; leave home

gāngfirm; exactly

gāng cái刚才just now

yuán liàng原谅forgive

cān jiā参加attend; give

cān guān参观visit

yòurepeatedly; also

jù zi句子sentence

kě xī可惜regrettable; regrettably

kě shì可是but; indeed

kě néng可能possible; probably

tóng xué同学be a schoolmate of somebody; schoolmate

chàngsing; cry

shèng dàn jié圣诞节Christmas

the earth; land

huàibecome or make bad; spoil

fù xí复习review

fù yìn复印copy

nü in ancient Chinese astronomy); female

gū niang姑娘unmarried girl; daughter

bīn guǎn宾馆guesthouse

duì bu qǐ对不起sorry; be unworthy of

fēngboundary; in imperial times, confer upon

xiǎo shuō小说fiction

qiǎoskilful; clever

bù zhì布置fix up; assign

bāng zhù帮助help

kāiopen; open out

nòngplay/fool with; do

wàngforget; overlook

fast; anxious

shǒuhand; person skilled in something

cáitalent; capable/talented person

bàoreport; newspaper

bào qiàn抱歉sorry

shuāifall; hurtle down

zhībranch; the twelve Earthly Branches

xīn nián新年New Year

wǎn huì晚会evening party

gèngfurther; more

sing; melody

zhèngstraight; in the centre

zhèng zài正在in process of

méi guān xi没关系doesn't matter

piào liang漂亮beautiful; brilliant

yònguse; use

diàn yǐng yuàn电影院cinema

diàn tī电梯lift

nánman; son

huà zhǎn画展art exhibition

suìbreak/smash into pieces; cause to break

lǐ wù礼物gift

chuāng hu窗户window

zāo gāo糟糕awful

tie; series

hóngred; red cloth, bunting, etc. used on festive occasions

yuērestrict; arrange

yuē huì约会arrange a meeting; appointment

měibeautiful; beautify

lián xì联系contact; link

wǔ huì舞会ball

huā píng花瓶flower vase; people who only know how to make herself up and cannot do useful work

yào shi要是if

jiànsee; meet

jiàn miàn见面meet; contact

rànggive way; trade in

huà jù话剧modern drama

tiào wǔ跳舞dance; dance

zhuǎn gào转告pass on

huángo back; give back

tōng zhī通知notify; notification

yí hàn遗憾regret; regret

lǐ bian里边in

mén kǒu门口gate

péikeep somebody company; assist from the sidelines

fēngwind; practice

mǎ shàng马上right away

mǎ hu马虎careless

gāotall; height

huángyellow; the Yellow River

wèiraise; send food into the mouth of a person

báiwhite; clean

yīng wén英文English

hǎogood; friendly


huà r画儿paint

kòng r空儿freetime