xiàn shí

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.reality; actuality

    • sī kǎo wèn tí bié tuō lí xiàn shí


      Don't get divorced from reality when you think of any problem.

    • wǒ men de shì dài lǐ xiǎng yǐ jīng chéng wéi xiàn shí


      Our long-held ideals have already become a reality.

    • tā wú fǎ fēn qīng huàn xiǎng yǔ xiàn shí zhī jiān de qū bié le


      He could not distinguish between illusion and reality.

  • 2

    adj.real; actual

    • zhè shì gè bǐ jiào xiàn shí de bàn fǎ


      This is a more realistic way of doing things.

    • zhè xiē xiǎng fǎ bù xiàn shí


      These ideas are unrealistic.

    • wǒ hěn xiàn shí zhī dào zì jǐ bù kě néng huò shèng


      I'm a realist. I know there is no way I could win.

Word usage

  • Note
    "现实" is different from "实际". "现实" only refers to the current objective existence; "实际" generally refers to all objective existence, including what has existed in the past and currently exists.