
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.sterilize; disinfect; destroy or kill harmful micro-organisms by the use of physical methods or chemical products

    • bìng fáng yǐ jīng xiāo dú le


      The sickroom has been sterilized.

    • jiāng bìng rén de yī fu xiāo dú


      Please disinfect the patient's clothes.

    • wǒ men yī dìng yào jiāng shuǐ zhǔ fèi jiā yǐ xiāo dú shā jūn


      The water had to be sterilized by boiling.

  • 2

    v.eliminate the pernicious influence; get rid of a bad influence; clear away pernicious influences

Word usage

  • "消" and "毒" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 医院

      The hospital is disinfected three times a day.

    • 这里刚刚

      It's just been sterilized here.

    • 病房已经

      The ward has been sterilized.