
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1 filial respect to (one's elders); be filial and respectful to one's elders

    • ér nǚ men rèn wéi yīng dāng xiào jìng zǔ fù mǔ


      The sons and daughters all consider it a moral obligation to look after their grandparents.

    • zhè xiē hái zi xiào jìng tā men de shuāng qīn


      The children treated their parents with filial respect.

    • qīng nián rén de dì yī zé rèn shì xiào jìng fù mǔ


      Youth's first duty is to show their respect to parents.

  • 2

    v.give a present (usually as a token of respect for one's elders or superiors)

    • tā dài le xiē běi bian de tǔ chǎn lái xiào jìng tā de nǎi nai


      He brought his grandmother some local produce from the north as a gift.

    • tā lián xiào jìng wǒ jǐ qiān kuài qián dōu bù kěn


      He can't float me a couple thousand dollars.

    • nǐ men hái nián qīng hái bù dǒng gāi zěn yàng qù xiào jìng xiàng wǒ zhè yàng de rén


      Young people don't know the courtesies due a man like myself.

Word usage

  • "孝敬" can be reduplicated, for example: "孝敬孝敬 ".
    • 打算妈妈按摩孝敬孝敬

      I plan to buy a massage chair for my mother to show my filial respect.