xiè jiān

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.lay down one's burden; put down one's load; unload something from one's shoulder(s)

  • 2

    v.shirk one's responsibilities

    • yù dào wèn tí jiù xiè jiān de gàn bù shì bù chèn zhí de gàn bù


      Cadres who shirk their responsibilities at the first sign of trouble are not worthy of their title.

    • miàn duì kùn nan qǐ yè de shè huì zé rèn bù néng xiè jiān


      In face of the difficulties, the enterprises should not unload social responsibilities from their shoulders.

  • 3

    v.resign from one's office

    • dào tuì xiū nián líng tā jiù kě yǐ xiè jiān le


      When he went into retirement, he could resign from his office.

Chinese words with pinyin xie jian