xīng zuò

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.constellation

    • cū xīn de guān cè zhě hěn róng yì bǎ zhè ge xīng zuò wù yǐ wéi shì huì xīng


      An unwary observer could easily mistake this constellation for a comet.

    • zài yè wǎn wǒ men kě yǐ yòng ròu yǎn kàn dào jī gè xīng zuò


      We can see several constellations in the sky at night with the naked eye.

    • xīng zuò de fǔ jiǎo jiàng zhì dì píng xiàn yǐ xià


      The depression of the constellation fell below the horizon.

Word usage

  • "星座" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 星座

      one constellation