xùn huà

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.admonish; lecture; advise

    • zhè xiē xué sheng gǎn dào tā men zài jiē shòu xùn huà hǎo xiàng tā men shì hái zi yī yàng


      The students felt that they were talked down to as though they were children.

    • yǒu yī wèi hěn yán lì de jūn guān zài duì xīn bīng xùn huà


      A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers.

Word usage

  • "训" and "话" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 首长我们战士突然晕倒

      The Senior Officer was giving us an admonitory talk when a soldier suddenly fainted.

    • 所长昨天

      The head of the institute gave him an admonitory talk yesterday.

    • 连长昨天我们

      The Commander gave us an admonitory talk yesterday.

Chinese words with pinyin xun hua