
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.proverb; saying

    • yàn yǔ shuō zǎo qǐ de niǎo ér yǒu shí chī


      As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm.

    • zhèng rú yàn yǔ suǒ shuō chéng shí wéi shàng cè


      As the proverb says, honesty is the best policy.

    • lìng yī gè zài wǒ men de tīng zhòng zhōng shòu xǐ ài de yàn yǔ shì shú néng shēng qiǎo


      Another favorite proverb among our listeners is practice makes perfect.

    • chéng wéi yī zé yàn yǔ


      become a proverb

Word usage

  • "谚语" is often matched with measure word "句"or"条".
    • 谚语

      one proverb

    • 谚语

      one proverb