yè cháng mèng duō

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • deroga long night is fraught with dreams; a long delay means many hitches

    • wǒ men bì xū mǎ shàng xíng dòng fǒu zé jiù huì yè cháng mèng duō


      We must take action at once. Otherwise something untoward may happen.

    • yè cháng mèng duō wǒ men zuì hǎo bǎ shì qing zǎo diǎn liǎo jié le


      A long delay means trouble. We'd better bring the matter to an early conclusion.

Word usage

  • Note
    "夜长梦多" is often placed after the words "免得", "省得", and "以免".