yè zǒng huì

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.nightclub

    • zài yè zǒng huì wài miàn jǐng chá zài yī cì dà guī mó de dòu ōu zhōng shòu shāng


      Police officers were injured in a mass brawl outside a nightclub.

    • zhè huǒ rén xiǎng jìn rù yè zǒng huì bèi zǔ sāo luàn yóu cǐ bào fā


      Trouble blew up when the gang was refused entry to a nightclub.

    • niǔ yuē yī jiā zuì shí máo háo huá de yè zǒng huì


      a New York nightclub that was the height of sophistication

    • zài chéng wéi yī míng quán jī shǒu zhī qián tā shì yī gè yè zǒng huì de bǎo biāo


      He was a nightclub Bouncer before he became a boxer.

    • zhè jiā yè zǒng huì gē shǒu men jīng cháng lái guāng gù


      This nightclub is frequented by singers.

    • dī dàng de yè zǒng huì


      a sleazy nightclub

    • zài yè zǒng huì de huǒ zāi zhōng zǒng gòng yǒu qī rén sàng shēng


      Seven people died in the blaze at the nightclub.

    • yī suǒ fù rén míng liú guāng gù de yè zǒng huì


      a nightclub used by the rich and famous

Word usage

  • "夜总会" is often matched with measure word "个"or"家".
    • 夜总会

      one nightclub

    • 夜总会

      one nightclub