yí diǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.doubt; a doubtful (or questionable) point; an uncertain (or unclear) point; questionable point

    • wǒ duì tā de jiě shì réng rán yǒu xǔ duō yí diǎn


      After hearing his explanations, I was still not quite clear about many points.

    • zhè ge àn zi réng yǒu jǐ gè yí diǎn


      There are still a few questionable points in the case.

    • chéng qīng yí diǎn


      clear up doubts

    • jǐng fāng chēng tā de sǐ wáng méi yí diǎn


      Officers said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

Word usage

  • "疑点" is often matched with measure word "个"or"些".
    • 疑点

      one suspect

    • 疑点

      some suspects