yīng zhǎo

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.talons of a falcon, hawk; eagle's claws

    • tā de shǒu yī jiù quán qū zhe xiàng jǐn zhuā zhe de yīng zhǎo


      His hands were still as tight as the gripped claws of an eagle.

    • lóng jù yǒu shé shēn xī jiǎo yīng zhǎo shé wěi lù jiǎo hé yú lín


      The dragon has a snake's body, a lizard's legs, an eagle's claws, a snake's tail, a deer's antler, and a fish's scales.

  • 2

    n.a kind of plant of which the flower can be used to make tea

    • jiǎ yīng zhǎo


      desmos chinensis