zàn tíng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.suspend; pause; halt; stop for the time being

    • jīn rì qǐ gōng sī zàn tíng rèn hé zhèng zài shí shī de xué fèi bào xiāo jì huà


      Effective immediately, company will suspend any Tuition Reimbursement Program that is active in your location.

    • wǒ men zàn tíng běn jié mù chā bō zhòng yào xīn wén


      We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin.

    • dà yǔ pò shǐ mǎ lā sōng bǐ sài zàn tíng


      Heavy rain brought the marathon to a temporary halt.

  • 2

    n.time-out; temporary stop in certain ball games

    • jiào liàn qǐng qiú zàn tíng


      The coach request for a time-out.

    • bǐ sài xuǎn shǒu qǐng qiú zàn tíng


      The competitor requested a pause.

    • bǐ sài zàn tíng


      The game is suspended.

Word usage

  • "暂停" is often matched with measure word "个"or"次".
    • 暂停

      one pause

    • 暂停

      one pause