
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.suffer (disaster); be a victim of

    • zhàn zhēng shǐ rén men zāo yāng


      The war brought people disaster.

    • shéi dǎng tā de lù shéi jiù huì zāo yāng


      Woe betides anyone who gets in her way.

    • rú guǒ lǎo bǎn fā xiàn nǐ yòu chí dào nǐ kě yào zāo yāng le


      If the boss finds out you were late again, there's going to be hell to pay.

Word usage

  • "遭" and "殃" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 什么

      What disaster has he suffered?

    • 暴风雪牧民

      Many herdsmen suffered a lot in the snowstorm.

    • 他们洪水

      Their village suffered from floods.