zhàn lüè

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.strategy; overall plan and tactics for a war

    • zài zhàn lüè shang miǎo shì dí rén zài zhàn shù shang zhòng shì dí rén


      Despise the enemy strategically and take full account of him tactically.

    • lù jūn de zhàn lüè yǔ zhàn shù fēi cháng jī jìn


      The army's strategy and tactics were highly aggressive.

    • zhì dìng zhěng tǐ zhàn lüè shì jiāng jūn de yì wù


      It is the general's role to develop overall strategy.

  • 2

    n.metastrategy that concerns the overall situation

    • gāi jué dìng shì yù suàn zhōng de zhàn lüè zhī diǎn


      The decision is the strategic fulcrum of the budget.

    • wǒ gāng cái yī zhí zài xiàng wǒ de jiāng jūn men jiě shì zhàn lüè de jī běn yuán zé


      I've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals.

    • tā men xū yào gèng jiā zhòng shì zhàn lüè yíng xiāo


      They need to give greater emphasis to strategic marketing.

Word usage

  • "战略" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种".
    • 战略

      one strategy

    • 战略

      one kind of strategy