
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.act in accordance with; act upon; comply with

    • nǐ men tí chū de yāo qiú wǒ men jìn lì zhào bàn


      We'll try our best to comply with your request.

    • tā de yāo qiú nǐ yīng gāi zhào bàn


      You must comply with her request.

    • zhè xiē tí yì hěn hǎo wǒ men yī dìng zhào bàn


      These recommendations are very good. We will act accordingly.

    • shù nán zhào bàn


      find it difficult to comply

    • ruò nǐ bù zhào bàn wǒ jiù zhǐ yǒu kǎo wèn nǐ le


      I am to torture you if you don't do it.

Word usage

  • "照" and "办" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 这样

      You have to do it like this.

    • 既然这么我们

      We would act upon your words since you have said so.

    • 我们指示

      We will follow your instructions.