zhēn lǐ

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.truth

    • wú ài wú shī wú gèng ài zhēn lǐ


      Plato is my friend, but the truth is more my friend. (I love my teacher, but I love truth more.)

    • tā bù shì yī gè zhēn zhèng tàn qiú zhēn lǐ de rén


      He's not a real searcher after truth.

    • wǒ zhuī qiú zhēn lǐ


      I am a seeker after truth.

    • chōng mǎn zhēn lǐ


      filled with truth

    • zhēn lǐ shì shí jiān de nǚ ér bù shì quán wēi de nǚ ér


      Truth is the daughter of time, not daughter of authority.

    • zhēn lǐ kě néng zài shǎo shù rén yī biān


      The truth may be on the side of a few people.

Word usage

  • "真理" is often matched with measure word "个"or"条".
    • 真理

      one truth

    • 真理

      one truth