zhěng hé

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.reorganize through readjustment and coordination; integrate; consolidate

    • zhè zhǒng xīn lǐ de èr chóng xìng xū yào yǒu xīn de shè huì guī zé hé lǐ xìng guī fàn qù chóng xīn zhěng hé


      The duality of this psychology needs to be reintegrated with new societal rules and rational standards.

    • bīng xiāng shì chǎng wán chéng le cóng wú xù dào yǒu xù de zhěng hé


      The refrigerator market has gone through the process of readjustment from disorder to order.

    • zhè xiē chéng xù huì gēn nǐ yuán yǒu de ruǎn jiàn zhěng hé qǐ lai


      These programs will integrate with your existing software.

  • 2

    n.conformity; integration

    • duì qí tā diào chá shù jù de zhěng hé


      the integration of data from other surveys

Chinese words with pinyin zheng he