
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.uniform (as worn by an army personnel, office worker, student, etc.); robe; livery; monkey suit

    • zhè shì wǒ de dōng jì zhì fú


      This is my winter uniform.

    • tā chuān shang zhì fú xiǎn de hěn piào liang


      She looks beautiful in uniform.

    • suǒ yǒu yuán gōng bì xū chuān zhì fú


      All staff are to wear uniforms.

  • 2

    v.bring under control; conquer; subdue

    • tā zhì fú le dí rén


      He has subdued the enemy.

    • zhèng fǔ gāo jí guān yuán chéng rèn tā men méi néng zhì fú fǎn pàn zhě


      Senior government officials admit that they have not been able to subdue the rebels.

    • jǐng chá zhì fú le zuì fàn


      The police brought the criminals under control.

Word usage

  • Note
    "制服" is different from "治服". "制服" emphasizes actions, making them subject to control and obedience; "治服" emphasizes language. Governing clothing is heavier than uniform. Governing clothing has the meaning of governing and making them obey. Generally speaking, the measures used are more powerful. effective.
  • "制服" is often matched with measure word "套".
    • 制服

      one set of uniform