zì lái shuǐ

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.running water; tap water; city water; water flowing from water pipes

    • zhè shì yī jiā zì lái shuǐ chǎng


      This is a waterworks.

    • suǒ yǒu de wò shì li dōu yǒu lěng rè zì lái shuǐ


      There is hot and cold running water in all the bedrooms.

    • zhè zì lái shuǐ hē le bù huì nào bìng ba


      Is the tap water safe to drink?

  • 2

    n.water supply; water works; equipment that supplies residents and factories, etc. with water; facility that fetches water from a water source, purifies, disinfects, and pressurizes it before sending it to users through pipelines

    • wǒ gēng huàn le shuǐ lóng tóu zài cì jiē tōng le zì lái shuǐ


      I replaced the taps and reconnected the water supply.

    • zhè lǐ hái méi yǒu jiē tōng zì lái shuǐ


      There is no water supply here.

    • wǒ men bān jìn yī dòng tōng le diàn dàn méi yǒu zì lái shuǐ de xiǎo wū


      We moved into a cabin with electricity but no water supply.

Word usage

  • "自来水" is often matched with measure word "吨"or"桶"or"盆".
    • 自来水

      one ton of tap water

    • 自来水

      one bucket of tap water

    • 自来水

      one basin of tap water