
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.corridor; passageway; raised walkway under the eaves of a house

    • tā yán zhe zǒu láng cháo xiū xi shì zǒu qù


      He walked down the corridor towards the foyer.

    • tā men yán zhe zǒu láng bǎ lǎo rén tuō zǒu le


      They manhandled the old man along the corridor.

    • tā kàn jiàn tā yán zhe zǒu láng xiàng tā jí bù zǒu lái


      He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him.

  • 2

    n.metanarrow strip of land linking two areas

    • wén huà zǒu láng


      cultural corridor

Word usage

  • "走廊" is often matched with measure word "条"or"道".
    • 走廊

      one corridor

    • 走廊

      one corridor