zuò jiān

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.be imprisoned; be in jail; be in prison

    • zuò jiān shì rén men yīn wèi fàn zuì ér fù chū zì yóu de dài jià


      Prison is the price people pay with their freedom for committing crimes.

    • yīn fàn zuì ér zuò jiān bìng bù fáng ài zài fàn tā zuì


      To be in prison for one crime is no reason for not beginning on another crime.

    • yī gè jǐng chá kàn dào le biāo zhì lán zhù tā men shuō yào me bǎ pái zi zhāi xià lái yào me zuò jiān


      A policeman, seeing the sign, stopped them and told them they'd either have to remove the sign or go to jail.

Word usage

  • "坐" and "监" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • You can't go to jail!

    • 之前

      He has been in jail for three years before.

    • 不了

      You can't sit in jail.