依赖be dependent on; be dependent on each other
同类be similar; people or things of the same kind or type
姻relationship by marriage; marriage
尊重respect; attach importance to and treat seriously
案table; wooden saucer for serving meals
正方square; positive side in a debate
深刻get to the essence of a matter or problem; deeply
看法view; unfavourable/critical view of somebody
称呼address; form of address in somebody's presence
背body's back; back side of an object
讲究be particular/fastidious about; careful study
辈分position in the family hierarchy
题目title; examination questions
风格manner; principal philosophical and artistic style
饮食food and drink; eat and drink
骗deceive; cheat/swindle somebody of something
西部western region; refers especially to the western region of China