Common idioms and proverbs L5

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 5.

yī fà qiān jūn一发千钧a hundredweight hanging by a hair

yī zhěn huáng liáng一枕黄粱refer to 黄粱梦

yī xiè qiān lǐ一泻千里rush down a thousand li

yún jué bō guǐ云谲波诡as changeable as clouds and waves

tú qióng bǐ xiàn图穷匕见hidden intentions are exposed in the end

ān rú pán shí安如磐石be rock-firm

shuò jiàn bù xiān数见不鲜encountered with many times

míng zhū àn tóu明珠暗投a bright pearl cast into darkness

bǐ jiān jì zhǒng比肩继踵stand shoulder to shoulder, and follow on the heels of another

hé zhé zhī fù涸辙之鲋person in a desperate situation

láng bēn shǐ tū狼奔豕突collide right and left

qióng xíng jìn xiàng穷形尽相describe vividly in minute detail; appear in all one's ugliness/abject look/unprepossessing appearance

shéng jù mù duàn绳锯木断little strokes fell great oaks

xié jiān chǎn xiào胁肩谄笑cringe

wéi biān sān jué韦编三绝study diligently

xiàng yú ér qì向隅而泣be left to grieve in the cold

chōu xīn zhǐ fèi抽薪止沸stop the boiling by taking off the fire

páng yì xié chū旁逸斜出grow out from the side irregularly

mó chǔ chéng zhēn磨杵成针little strokes fell great oaks

pí fú hàn shù蚍蜉撼树an ant trying to topple a giant tree- ridiculously overrate one's own ability or strength

yǔ hòu sòng sǎn雨后送伞give belated help

tì tǎng bù jī倜傥不羁unconventional and unconstrained

shān yáo yě sù山肴野蔌mountain meat and wild vegetables

shā huí mǎ qiāng杀回马枪make a sudden backward thrust at one's pursuer

zì chū xīn cái自出心裁make a new departure

wén zhě zú jiè闻者足戒be warned by one's words

yī zhāo xiān一招鲜trump card

yǎo wú xiāo xī杳无消息have never been heard of since

shēn wù tòng jí深恶痛疾hate bitterly

sì yì wàng wéi肆意妄为do what one wishes without restraint

chù mù shāng huái触目伤怀sorrowful

qǔ yì chéng rén取义成仁die to preserve one's virtue intact

yī bù zhān qīn èr bù dài gù一不沾亲,二不带故have no relationship with

yī rén chī bǎo quán jiā bù è一人吃饱,全家不饿one's repletion means all the family members' repletion

yī fēn qián yī fēn huò一分钱,一分货a penny can only buy what's worth a penny

yī jiā rén bù shuō liǎng jiā huà一家人不说两家话do not treat family members as strangers

yī tiáo chuán shang de rén一条船上的人people on the same boat

yī gùn zi dǎ sǐ rén一棍子打死人knock somebody down at one stroke

yī bù gēn bù shàng bù bù gēn bù shàng一步跟不上,步步跟不上as long as we fall behind, we will always be passive and fail to keep pace with others

yī zhēn duì yī xiàn一针对一线match every needle with its thread

yī zhèn qiū fēng yī zhèn liáng一阵秋风一阵凉in autumn, every time it rains, it gets colder

dōng yī jù xī yī jù东一句,西一句talk about this and talk about that

jiāo rén jiāo xīn jiāo huā jiāo gēn交人交心,浇花浇根make friends through heart and water flower from its root

rén shàn yǒu rén qī mǎ shàn yǒu rén qí人善有人欺,马善有人骑kind people are vulnerable to be bullied, while docile horsestend to be ridden

rén huó yī kǒu qì shù huó yī céng pí人活一口气,树活一层皮nobody can live without breath, while no tree can live without bark

rén guò liú míng yàn guò liú shēng人过留名,雁过留声people leave their names and geese leave their voices

zhòng rén yī tiáo xīn huáng tǔ biàn chéng jīn众人一条心,黄土变成金if everyone shares the same idea, the loess could be turned into gold

zhù zài láng wō biān xiǎo xīn bù wéi guò住在狼窝边,小心不为过one can't be too careful when living by the wolf's nest

jūn lìng zhòng rú shān军令重如山the orders of the higher authorities in the army are as unshakable as the mountains, and every soldier has to obey them

chū le lóng tán yòu rù hǔ xué出了龙潭,又入虎穴just escaping from the lake where the dragon lives, one falls into the tiger's den

dāo gē zài bó zi shang刀搁在脖子上the knife is on one's neck

dào shén me shān chàng shén me gē到什么山唱什么歌in a certain mountain, one should sing the local song

dào shén me shān dǎ shén me chái到什么山,打什么柴in a certain mountain, one should cut the local wood for fire

bàn píng zi cù hǎo huàng dang半瓶子醋好晃荡half a bottle of vinegar can easily be shaken

yòu xiǎng chī yòu pà tàng又想吃又怕烫want to eat but be afraid of being burnt

chī bǎo de māo bù zhuō shǔ吃饱的猫不捉鼠with enough food, a cat doesn't catch mice

tóng xíng wú shū bàn同行无疏伴people who go on a long journey together will take care of each other, and not be estranged from each other

tóng háng yǒu yuān jia同行有冤家one can always find opponents in the same trade

wài níng bì yǒu nèi yōu外宁必有内忧when there is no foreign invasions, internal conflicts will stand out

hǎo qǔ zi chàng sān biàn yě yào rě rén xián好曲子唱三遍也要惹人嫌sung three times, even beautiful song will make people feel tired of it; no matter how nice the words are, the listeners will feel fired of it if they are repeated too much times

hǎo mèng nán zhǎng好梦难长good dreams don't last long

hǎo hàn bù kuā dàng nián yǒng好汉不夸当年勇a good man does not speak of his past bravery

hǎo huā yī duǒ xiāng mǎn yuán好花一朵香满园a garden can be filled with the fragrance of a flower; although a person may not be important or a thing is trivial, they have great influence

hǎo jiǔ bù pà chén好酒不怕陈good wine can stand the test of time

ān xià xiāng ěr diào yú安下香饵钓鱼set bait for fishing; set up a trap to lure his opponent

dāng zhe zhēn rén bù shuō jiǎ huà当着真人不说假话never tell lies in front of people who know the truth

fú dé dōng lái xī yòu dǎo扶得东来西又倒pick one up but another one falls; not capable of being independent

bǎ xīn xié wǎng ní táng lǐ cǎi把新鞋往泥塘里踩step in the mud while wearing new shoes; ask for trouble

lá wán mó shā lǘ拉完磨杀驴kill the donkey the moment it leaves the millstone; get rid of somebody as soon as he outlives his usefulness

lá zhe huáng niú dāng mǎ qí拉着黄牛当马骑ride an ox as if it was a horse; just to make up the number

bá kāi yún wù jiàn qīng tiān拔开云雾见青天dispel the clouds and see the blue sky; see the light again

yǒu zuǐ jiù yǒu lù有嘴就有路as long as one is willing to ask for help, he will know where to go; should often ask for help when he encounters trouble

yǒu ēn bù bào fēi jūn zǐ有恩不报非君子a man who has received help from other people without repaying them is not agentle man

yǒu huā zì ran xiāng有花自然香where there are flowers, there is fragrance; if the advantages and benefits are inherent,there is no need to boast them up

huà hǔ bù chéng fǎn lèi gǒu画虎不成反类狗set out to draw a tiger and end up with the likeness of a dog; make a poor imitation

bǎi mì wèi miǎn yī shū百密未免一疏even if one takes action carefully, it is hard not to make any mistakes

bǎi bìng cóng jiǎo qǐ百病从脚起all diseases begin with feet; many diseases are caused by the cold feet

qióng rén wú zāi jí shì fú穷人无灾即是福no disaster will be a blessing for the poor

fǎng chē tóu shang chū huáng jīn纺车头上出黄金gold comes from the spinning wheel; working hard can accumulate wealth

lǎo hǔ tóu shàng guà fó zhū老虎头上挂佛珠put a string of beads worn by Buddhists on the head of a tiger; a bad man disguises as a good man

ěr duo mó chū jiǎn zi耳朵磨出茧子have calluses on one's ears; talk one's ear off

dù pí tiē zhe jǐ liang gǔ肚皮贴着脊梁骨the belly is close to the spine; be very hungry

tǎo fàn yù zhe huāng nián讨饭遇着荒年the beggar begs for food in the famine years; be extremely unlucky

dòu fu lǐ tiǎo gǔ tou豆腐里挑骨头pick out bones from tofu; look for a flaw which doesn't exist

xián shí xué chéng máng shí yòng闲时学成忙时用learn a skill in spare time, and it will be of help someday

yī bù zuò èr bù xiū一不做,二不休carry it through, whatever the consequences; stick to a thing once begun

mǒ yī bí zi huī抹一鼻子灰suffer a snub; have one's nose rubbed in the dust

yī shǒu jiāo qián yī shǒu jiāo huò一手交钱,一手交货transaction in cash

yī huán kòu yī huán一环扣一环one ring linked with another; connect with one another closely

rén zài rén qíng zài人在人情在one dies with the feelings of his relatives and friends towards him

jūn zhōng wú xì yán军中无戏言joking is not allowed in the army

jūn zǐ bù niàn jiù è君子不念旧恶a gentleman doesn't bear grudges

hǎo le chuāng bā wàng le tòng好了疮疤忘了痛once on shore, we pray no more

rén wǎng gāo chù zǒu shuǐ wǎng dī chù liú人往高处走,水往低处流man struggles upwards, and water flows downwards

yǒu lǐ bù zài shēng gāo有理不在声高making a lot of noise doesn't constitute a sound argument

yuǎn shuǐ bù jiù jìn huǒ远水不救近火distant water will not quench a fire near-Bible

hù shū bù xiǔ户枢不朽constant activity staves off decay

xiāo shēng nì jì消声匿迹disappear completely

wú biān wú yín无边无垠boundless

yōng róng diǎn yǎ雍容典雅graceful and elegant