一叶知秋a small sign can indicate a great trend
万马齐喑ten thousand horses standing mute
不绝如缕hanging by a thread; lingering on faintly
临渊羡鱼stand by a pond longing for fish
凿壁偷光bore a hole on the wall in order to get some light from the neighbour's house
删繁就简simplify something by cutting out the superfluous
吃现成饭live off the back of others
哀鸿遍野disaster victims moaning everywhere
响遏行云being so sonorous as to stop the passing clouds
嗟来之食food handed out in contempt
夙兴夜寐rise early and retire late
安贫乐道be content with poverty, caring only for one's principles
稍安毋躁don't be impatient, wait a while
心宽体胖light of heart and stout of body
志大才疏have ambitions above one's ability
恃才傲物be inordinately proud of one's ability
扬汤止沸try to stop water from boiling by scooping it up and pouring it back
抓辫子seize on someone’s mistake or shortcoming
披沙拣金select the essence from a mass of dross
揠苗助长do harm to a thing by being overenthusiastic
晨钟暮鼓evening drums and morning bells in a monastery
望风披靡flee helter-skelter at the mere sight of somebody
枕戈待旦lie with one's head pillowed on a spear waiting for day to break—be ready for battle
洞若观火understand something thoroughly at a glance
珠圆玉润round as pearls and smooth as jade—excellent
理屈词穷fall silent on finding oneself bested in argument
瑕不掩瑜One flaw can’t mar a piece of good jade ― Small defects do not outweigh greater virtues.
瓜熟蒂落Everything comes easily at the right time/in the fullness of time.
画饼充饥draw cakes to allay hunger
百废待举A thousand things wait to be done.
百步穿杨shoot with great precision
睚眦必报seek revenge for the slightest misdeed
穷兵黩武use all one's armed might to wage war of aggression
终南捷径short cut to high office/officialdom/success/fame
缘木求鱼climb a tree to catch fish—a fruitless approach
老马识途an old horse knows the way
色厉内荏strong on the outside but weak inside
虎踞龙盘forbidding strategic location
长歌当哭intone poems/sing to vent one's grief or indignation
闻鸡起舞rise at cockcrow and practise one's swordsmanship
集腋成裘collect bits of fur under the foxes' forelegs to make a robe
风雨如晦a grim and grave situation
鳏寡孤独widowers, widows, orphans, and the childless
鸡鸣狗盗crow like a cock and snatch like a dog
鹤发童颜white hair and ruddy complexion—healthy in old age
形影相随as close as body and shadow
岁寒三友the “three cold-weather friends”
幕天席地have great breadth of view; be out in the open
开山鼻祖the first person to do something
淡泊明志show one's aspirations by leading a simple life
秦晋之好amity between the states of Qin and Jin
荼毒生灵plunge the people into the abyss of misery
蹉跎岁月let time slip by without accomplishing anything
开卷有益Reading is always profitable.
走门路solicit help from potential backers
倾巢出动mobilize all one's troops to attack
一白遮百丑white complexion is powerful enough to hide a hundred flaw in face
妇女能顶半边天women can prop up half the sky; women are as capable as men
收摊子pack up the stall; finish the ongoing work
有文章可做one can write articles; one makes use of the things that he can take advantage of
一朝天子一朝臣every new sovereign brings his own courtiers
一鼻孔出气breathe through the same nostrils; be in tune with
疾风知劲草strength of character is tested in a crisis
一竿子插到底carry down to the grass-roots level
伴君如伴虎keeping the emperor company is like living with a tiger
好马不吃回头草a good horse never goes back to graze the grass left behind
当一天和尚撞一天钟do one's work in a perfunctory way
有一利必有一弊there is no fire without smoke
来而不往非礼也it is impolite not to reciprocate
死马当活马医not give up a hopeless cause