不耻下问be modest enough to learn from those in a lower position
东施效颦ugly woman trying to imitate a famous beauty knitting her brows
为虎作伥play the jackal to the tiger
以卵击石throw an egg against a rock-court defeat by fighting against overwhelming odds
利令智昏be blinded by material gains
吐故纳新exhale the old and inhale the new
外强中干strong in appearance but weak in reality
好逸恶劳love leisure and hate labour
如丧考妣as if one had lost one's parents
巧言令色have a clever talk, a glib tongue and an ingratiating manner
心腹之患trouble coming from the inner circle
恶贯满盈be guilty of too many crimes and deserve judgement
惩前毖后learn a lesson from the past and keep an eye on the future
感恩戴德be overwhelmed with gratitude
提纲挈领bring out the essential points
旁征博引quote copiously from a wide range of sources
既往不咎forgive somebody's past misdeeds
明眸皓齿have clear bright eyes and gleaming white teeth
春华秋实spring blooms and autumn fruits;literary talent and moral integrity
暴殄天物recklessly waste the products of nature
曲高和寡highbrow songs find few singers
朝不保夕not know at dawn what may happen by dusk
杀一儆百execute one as a warning to a hundred
束手待毙resign oneself to extinction
民脂民膏flesh and blood of the people
沉鱼落雁be striking enough to make fish sink and birds alight—be extremely beautiful
满腹经纶be profoundly learned and talented
班门弄斧show off one's skill before an expert
甘之如饴enjoy as if it were malt sugar
生灵涂炭destroy people's lives and property wantonly
眼高手低be fastidious but incompetent
苦心孤诣make extraordinarily painstaking efforts
衣冠禽兽beast in human attire/clothing
见微知著see what is coming from one small clue
讳疾忌医avoid seeking medical advice though obviously sick, for fear of facing the unpleasant reality
谈虎色变get anxious at the mention of something terrifying
貌合神离appear to be in agreement but actually be at odds in spirit
负荆请罪the deepest possible apology one can make to another
负隅顽抗fight stubbonly with one's back to the wall
超然物外hold oneself aloof from the world; stay away from the scene of contention
趋炎附势curry favor with the influential
金戈铁马shining spears and armoured horses; heroic soldiers
陈词滥调hackneyed and stereotyped expressions
隔靴搔痒scratch an itch from outside one's boot
饮鸩止渴drink poison to quench thirst
骄奢淫逸lordly, luxury-loving, loose-living and idle
鸡蛋里挑骨头look for a bone in an egg
龙争虎斗fierce battle between two mighty opponents
劫富济贫rob the rich to give to the poor
莫逆之交become the firmest of friends
流芳百世leave a good name for a hundred generations
鸣金收兵retreat from battle; come to a close
杀人不见血kill without spilling blood; kill by subtle means
多一事不如少一事avoid trouble whenever possible
多行不义必自毙an evil-doer is his own grave-digger
富贵不能淫be impervious to the temptation of wealth and high position