Common idioms and proverbs L5

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 5.

zhāng jiā cháng lǐ jiā duǎn张家长,李家短gossip

bàn tiān zhuā yún nán半天抓云,难touching cloud in mid-air

zhǐ yǒu bù kuài de fǔ méi yǒu pī bù kāi de chái只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴there is no wood that can't be split but only blunt axe

chī le rén jiā de kǒu ruǎn ná le rén jiā de shǒu ruǎn吃了人家的口软,拿了人家的手软if one eats other people's food and use other people's money, he can't stick to his own principle but have to give in

tīng rén quàn dé yī bàn听人劝,得一半being open to take others' advice is half the success

zài jiā qiān rì hǎo chū mén yī shí nán在家千日好,出门一时难when at home, everything is easy all the time

dì bù kě bù zhǒng xīn bù kě bù yòng地不可不种,心不可不用the land must be sown and cultivated so that it will not be deserted

duō shēn de dì jī duō gāo de qiáng多深的地基,多高的墙the deeper the foundation is, the higher the wall can be built on it; the better the foundation is laid, the greater the achievement will be

níng yǎng yī tiáo lóng bù yǎng shí gè xióng宁养一条龙,不养十个熊it's better to raise a dragon than ten bears; one would rather foster one outstanding person than ten mediocre ones

níng chī kāi méi zhōu bù chī chóu méi fàn宁吃开眉粥,不吃愁眉饭rather happily have some simple food than have a good meal in a bad mood; prefer a poor but happy life to a rich but unhappy life

píng shēng bù zuò kuī xīn shì bàn yè qiāo mén xīn bù jīng平生不作亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊he who is not involved in discreditable affairs will not be frightened when there is knocking at the door at midnight; a quiet conscience sleeps in thunder

kuài rén yī yán kuài mǎ yī biān快人一言,快马一鞭an executive man needs only one word and a fast horse needs only one whip; a frank man never regrets after making a promise and will immediately take action

zhǎn cǎo bù chú gēn chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng斩草不除根,春风吹又生if the root is not dug up, the weeds will revive in the next spring; if the root of problem is not solved, there will bend less trouble in the future

shí dào tiān liàng fāng hǎo shuì rén dào lǎo lái cái xué guāi时到天亮方好睡,人到老来才学乖people sleep best when the day is about to break and they become smart and obedient when getting old

yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì wú yuán duì miàn bù xiāng féng有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢though living a thousand miles apart, souls which are one shall meet, if two people are not destined to meet, they won't see each other even when walking face to face

méi tóu cāng ying luàn zhuàng yī qì没头苍蝇,乱撞一气a headless fly keeps bumping; without a leader, the team will do things without a clear purpose

méi yǒu gāo shān bù xiǎn píng dì没有高山,不显平地without high mountains, there would be no plain; if there is no comparison, nobody can tell the good from the bad

zào kēng dǎ jǐng fáng dǐng kāi mén灶坑打井,房顶开门one wants to dig a well in the kitchen stove and install a door on the roof; be so selfish and narrow-minded that do not contact with others

bái dāo zi jìn hóng dāo zi chū白刀子进,红刀子出white knife in, and red knife out; kill someone

qióng jiā nán shè rè tǔ nán lí穷家难舍,热土难离be it ever so humble, there is no place like home

yáng ròu hǎo chī pà zhān xīng羊肉好吃怕沾腥be fond of the delicious mutton but be afraid of its smell; want to do but with scruples

lǎo hé shang niàn jīng guò yī tiān suàn yī tiān老和尚念经,过一天算一天the old monk chants scriptures and doesn't care about time passing; be perfunctory with one's work

ěr tīng wéi xū yǎn jiàn wéi shí耳听为虚,眼见为实what you hear is often unreliable, and what you see is real; things seen are mightier than things heard

jiān bù néng tiǎo shǒu bù néng tí肩不能挑,手不能提be unable to shoulder any burden or lift anything; be unable to do any physical work

zǒu dà lù pà shuǐ zǒu xiǎo lù pà guǐ走大路怕水,走小路怕鬼walking on the main road, he fears the water there; hesitate a lot

guò ěr zhī yán bù kě tīng xìn过耳之言,不可听信don't believe rumours

wèn le kěn hái yào děng问了肯,还要等when asking for help, it is better to wait until he has time; it is essential to be patient before achieving the goal

ē yú rén rén xǐ zhí yán rén rén xián阿谀人人喜,直言人人嫌people like being flattered not criticized

jī duō bù shēng dàn rén duō chī xián fàn鸡多不生蛋,人多吃闲饭too many hens won't lay, and too many people may lead an idle life; too many people may hamper the work efficiency

lóng duō bù zhì shuǐ jī duō bù xià dàn龙多不治水,鸡多不下蛋too many dragons won't control the flood and too many hens won't lay eggs; everybody's business is nobody's business

zhǐ zhī qí yī bù zhī qí èr只知其一,不知其二i know only one, but I don't know the other; not having a comprehensive understanding of the situation

zài jiā kào fù mǔ chū mén kào péng you在家靠父母,出门靠朋友at home one relies on one's parents and outside on one's friends

yī lái shēn shǒu fàn lái zhāng kǒu衣来伸手,饭来张口open one's mouth to be fed and hold out one's arms to be dressed; lead an easy life, with everything provided

yán zhě wú xīn tīng zhě yǒu yì言者无心,听者有意a careless word may reveal much to an attentive listener

gè rén zì sǎo mén qián xuě mò guǎn tā rén wǎ shang shuāng各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜each hoes his own potatoes

sī mǎ zhāo zhī xīn lù rén jiē zhī司马昭之心—路人皆知sima zhao's heart - be known to all

lín dài yù de shēn zi ruò bù jīn fēng林黛玉的身子—弱不禁风lin daiyu's body - fragile

shàng le xián de jiàn yī chù jí fā上了弦的箭—一触即发a stringed arrow - be triggered at any moment

bāo lǎo yé duàn àn liù qīn bù rèn包老爷断案—六亲不认master Bao solving the case - be indifferent to one 's own closest relatives

sān shí wǎn shang pàn chū yī zhǐ rì kě dài三十晚上盼初一—指日可待look forward to the first day of the new year on the 30th night - point the day and await for it

dà chóng tóu cháng chóng wěi hǔ tóu shé wěi大虫头,长虫尾—虎头蛇尾big worm head, long worm tail - cop-out

niú láng yuē zhī nǚ hòu huì yǒu qī牛郎约织女—后会有期cowherd and weaver girl date - see you around

bài táng de fū qī xiè tiān xiè dì拜堂的夫妻—谢天谢地worship couple - thank goodness

bā gǔ wén de gé shì qiān piān yī lǜ八股文的格式—千篇一律format of eight part essay - follow the same pattern

yǐ luǎn tóu shí zì bù liàng lì以卵投石—自不量力an egg knocking itself against a stone - beyond one's ability

jiāng tài gōng diào yú yuàn zhě shàng gōu姜太公钓鱼—愿者上钩Jiang Taigong fishing - take the bait

qiān lǐ sòng é máo lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng千里送鹅毛—礼轻情意重goose feather form thousands of miles - it's the thought that counts

zhōu yú dǎ huáng gài yī ge yuàn dǎ yī ge yuàn āi周瑜打黄盖—一个愿打,一个愿挨Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai - one is willing to fight and one is willing to suffer

sān shí wǎn shang bàn nián huò lái bù jí le三十晚上办年货—来不及了buy goods on new year's eve - too late

huáng lián shù xià tán pí pa kǔ zhōng zuò lè黄连树下弹琵琶—苦中作乐play pipa under a coptis tree - enjoy life though hard up

qī qiào tōng liù qiào yī qiào bù tōng七窍通六窍—一窍不通six out of seven succeeded - an absolute blockhead

xǔ chǔ zhàn mǎ chāo chì bó shàng zhèn许褚战马超—赤膊上阵Xu Chu beating Ma Chao - act undisguisedly

yáng jiā jiàng shàng zhèn quán jiā chū dòng杨家将上阵—全家出动the Yang family will go to battle - the whole family together

dà shuǐ yān diào lóng wáng miào yī jiā rén bù rèn de yī jiā rén大水淹掉龙王庙—一家人不认得一家人the flood flooding the dragon king temple - fall out and become families

bā shí suì lǎo wēng tiāo dàn zi xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú八十岁老翁挑担子—心有余而力不足an 80 year old man carrying a burden - the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

zhū gé liàng jiè dōng fēng jiāng jì jiù jì诸葛亮借东风—将计就计Zhuge Liang borrowing the east wind - turn something's trick to one 's own use

bīng lái jiàng dǎng shuǐ lái tǔ yǎn yī wù xiáng yī wù兵来将挡,水来土掩—一物降一物when the flood approaches bank up to keep it out - there is always one thing to overcome another

jī wō páng biān bǎi bàng chui dǎo dàn鸡窝旁边摆棒槌—捣蛋put a mallet next to the chicken nest - mischief

dōng běi de èr rén zhuàn yī chàng yī hè东北的二人转—一唱一和son and dance duet in northeast China - sing in chorus with

zhū bā jiè shuǎi pá zi bù gàn le猪八戒甩耙子—不干了Zhu Bajie throwing rake - quit one's job

hē shuǐ sāi yá fèng r dǎo méi tòu dǐng喝水塞牙缝儿—倒霉透顶drink water to plug your teeth - bad luck

shǐ ke láng hé cāng ying jiāo péng you chòu wèi xiāng tóu屎壳郎和苍蝇交朋友—臭味相投dung beetles making friends with flies - friends share the same rotten tastes

má què dūn zài liáng tóu shang dōng xi bù dà jià zi bù xiǎo麻雀蹲在梁头上—东西不大,架子不小the sparrow squatting on the beam head - people who like to put on airs

qí lǘ qiáo zhàng běn zǒu zhe qiáo骑驴瞧帐本—走着瞧ride a donkey and look at the account book - let's wait and see

kǎn chái wàng dài dāo páo dì bù dài gǎo diū sān là sì砍柴忘带刀,刨地不带镐—丢三落四forget to bring a knife for cutting firewood and a pick for digging - miss this and that

hē lěng shuǐ chī chèng tuó tiě le xīn le喝冷水吃秤砣—铁了心了drink cold water and eat weights - iron heart

wǔ zǐ xū guò zhāo guān yī yè chóu bái le tóu伍子胥过昭关—一夜愁白了头Wu zixu crossing the Zhaoguan pass - turn hoary head overnight because of sorrow

bái gǔ jīng gěi táng sēng sòng fàn jiǎ rén jiǎ yì白骨精给唐僧送饭—假仁假义Baigujing sending food to Tang monk - hypocrisy

bái niáng zǐ shuǐ màn jīn shān dà dòng gān gē白娘子水漫金山—大动干戈the white lady flooding the Jinshan Temple - do something with great momentum, put up a pageantry

táng sēng de yǎn jing bù rèn shi hǎo huài rén唐僧的眼睛—不认识好坏人Tang monk's eyes - cannot distinguish good and bad people

lài há ma xiǎng chī tiān é ròu wàng xiǎng癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉—妄想a toad wanting swan meat - delusion

lǔ shuǐ diǎn dòu fu yī wù xiáng yī wù卤水点豆腐—一物降一物marinated tofu - there is always one thing to overcome another

cái shén yé zhuó làn shān rén bù kě mào xiàng财神爷着烂衫—人不可貌相the God of Wealth wearing a rotten shirt - one cannot be judged by appearance

zhāng fēi chè tuì cháng bǎn pō guò hé chāi qiáo张飞撤退长坂坡—过河拆桥Zhang Fei retreating from Changbanpo - burn the bridge after crossing it

bā xún nǎi nai sān suì sūn lǎo de lǎo xiǎo de xiǎo八旬奶奶三岁孙—老的老,小的小octogenarian grandmother, three-year-old grandson - only the elderly and children are left

liú bèi shuāi hái zi shōu mǎi rén xīn刘备摔孩子—收买人心Liu bei falls the child - buy people's hearts

kǒng míng jiè dōng fēng qiǎo yòng tiān shí孔明借东风—巧用天时Kong Ming borrows the east wind - skillful use of time

guān gōng miàn qián shuǎ dà dāo zì bù liàng lì关公面前耍大刀—自不量力display slight skill before an expert - beyond one's ability

lǚ bù xì diāo chán yīng xióng nán guò měi rén guān吕布戏貂蝉—英雄难过美人关Lv Bu playing Diao Chan - even heroes fall for beauties

sūn wù kōng dài jīn gū yǒu fǎ wú yòng孙悟空戴金箍—有法无用monkey king wearing gold hoop - it's useless to have magic

dà gū niang zuò huā jiào chí zǎo yī huí大姑娘坐花轿—迟早一回the big girl sitting in a sedan chair - sooner or later

shèng rén mén qián mài zì huà xiàn chǒu圣人门前卖字画—献丑sell calligraphy and paintings in front of the sage's door - make a fool of yourself

zuò yī tiān hé shang zhuàng yī tiān zhōng dé guò qiě guò做一天和尚撞一天钟—得过且过be a monk and hit the clock one day - muddle along

bá miáo zhù zhǎng jí yú qiú chéng拔苗助长—急于求成spoil things by excessive enthusiasm - be anxious for success

shí dào jī máo dāng lìng jiàn shǎo jiàn duō guài拾到鸡毛当令箭—少见多怪pick up the chicken feather as the arrow - things seldom seen are strange

bái niáng zǐ hē le xióng huáng jiǔ xiàn le yuán xíng白娘子喝了雄黄酒—现了原形the white lady drinking realgar wine - show the original shape

jiān bǎng shàng dā lú zào nǎo huǒ肩膀上搭炉灶—恼火put a stove on your shoulder - anger fire

dǎ tiě de chāi lú zi sàn huǒ打铁的拆炉子—散伙"the blacksmith dismantling the furnace - break up "

táng sēng de shū yī běn zhèng jīng唐僧的书—一本正经"monk Tang's book - serious "

shàng xián de yuè liàng liǎng tóu jiān上弦的月亮—两头奸"the winding moon - cheat on both sides "

kǒng míng liàn qín lǎo shēng cháng tán孔明练琴—老生常谈"Kong Ming practicing piano - cliche "

táng sēng de èr tú dì wú néng唐僧的二徒弟—无能"tang monk's second disciple - being incompetent "