Common idioms and proverbs L6

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 6.

yī rì zhī yǎ一日之雅a day's acquaintance

bù jīng zhī tán不经之谈absurd statement

jiǔ jiǎ bù guī久假不归appropriate something borrowed for one's own use

cóng jǐng jiù rén从井救人do a good deed in a wrong way

yú yǒng kě gǔ余勇可贾with strength yet to spare

jiā rén yī děng加人一等be superior to ordinary people

gēng pú nán shǔ更仆难数countless

mù wú quán niú目无全牛see an ox not as a whole

zhù shì dào móu筑室道谋ask every passerby how to build one's house—have no idea/plan of one's own

miáo ér bù xiù苗而不秀shoot forth but do not yield fruit; people who are gifted but have no achievements and look impressive but have no real worth

háo fà bù shuǎng毫发不爽exactly the same

yī hán rú cǐ一寒如此as poor as Job's turkey

bù láng bù yǒu不稂不莠good-for-nothing

wū niǎo sī qíng乌鸟私情filial piety

rén mìng wēi qiǎn人命危浅be dying

rén yán zé zé人言啧啧There is a good deal of unfavourable comment.

rù shì cāo gē入室操戈attack somebody with his own weapon on his own ground

xìng jìn bēi lái兴尽悲来A feeling of sadness follows a bout of pleasure.

rì cháng yí xiàn日长一线Daytime gradually lengthens after the winter solstice.

mù qù zhāo lái暮去朝来Dawn comes after dusk.

zhāo wén xī sǐ朝闻夕死One is even willing to die in the evening if he could hear the truth in the morning.

mù rén shí xīn木人石心a body of wood and a heart of stone

bǎi shēn hé shú百身何赎express one's great sorrow in mourning over somebody's death

shèng yán nán zài盛筵难再Grand gatherings don’t take place every day.

zhí yán gǔ huò直言贾祸Straight talks invite disaster.

téng jiāo qǐ fèng腾蛟起凤a rapidly rising talent

zài xiào zài yán载笑载言talking and laughing

lù hǎi pān jiāng陆海潘江erudite

gōng lì xī dí工力悉敌be equally skilful

bù gǎn páng wù不敢旁骛daren’t let one's attention wander

yún jí xiǎng yìng云集响应come together to show approval and support

fá gōng jīn néng伐功矜能boast of one's own credits and talents

dì bēng shān cuī地崩山摧hills topple and the earth shake

yáng liǔ yī yī杨柳依依the willows are swaying in the breeze

yǔn shēn bù xù殒身不恤die without regrets

qiè qiè sī yǔ切切私语talk in whispers

bù fǎ cháng kè不法常可dare to innovate

rén duō hǎo bàn shì人多好办事many hands make light work

yī zhǐ shǒu qíng bù qǐ tiān一只手擎不起天nobody can prop upthe sky with one hand

yī tiān shí yú biàn一天十余变change more than tentimes within one day

yī qiǎo shèng bǎi lì一巧胜百力using a skill is better than working one hundred times harder

yī jīng yī zhà de一惊一诈的one screams suddenly or becomes nervous and jumpy when nothing happens

yī lǎn shēng bǎi xié一懒生百邪one's laziness begets all evils

yī shǒu zhē bù zhù tiān一手遮不住天nobody can cover the sky with one palm

yī rì wéi shī zhōng shēng wéi fù一日为师,终生为父even being a teacher for a day, being respected like father for the whole life

yī zhèng yā bǎi xié一正压百邪one's integrity can defeat one hundred evil spirits

yī qí luó bo yī qí cài shéi de hái zi shéi bù ài一畦萝卜一畦菜,谁的孩子谁不爱since everyone loves the radishes or vegetables grown by himself, who doesn't love his child

yī qiào tōng bǎi qiào tōng一窍通,百窍通understanding one issue means understanding one hundred issues

dōng yī láng tou xī yī bàng chui东一榔头,西一棒槌have no goal

dōng xi shì sǐ de rén shì huó de东西是死的,人是活的things have no mind, but people can exercise their brains

èr shí sān cuān yī cuān èr shí wǔ gǔ yī gǔ二十三,蹿一蹿,二十五,鼓一鼓at the age of 23 and 25, people can grow taller; people still have the chance to grow taller when they reach the age of 23 and 25

rén yī zǒu chá jiù liáng人一走,茶就凉hot tea cools down when the guest leaves the table

rén zhōng lǚ bù mǎ zhōng chì tù人中吕布,马中赤兔outstanding talent

rén chī wǔ gǔ zá liáng nǎ yǒu bù dé bìng de人吃五谷杂粮,哪有不得病的all men eat grains, so it is hard to avoid falling ill

rén zài wū yán xia zěn gǎn bù dī tóu人在屋檐下,怎敢不低头one has to bow his head under the eaves

rén pà bī mǎ pà qí人怕逼,马怕骑people are afraid of pressure, and horses are afraid to be ridden

rén qíng bǐ zhǐ hái báo人情比纸还薄human sympathy is thinner than paper

rén nuó huó shù nuó sǐ人挪活,树挪死if a person moves to other places, he will be better

rén qióng zhì duǎn mǎ shòu máo cháng人穷志短,马瘦毛长a poor man doesn't have a far-reaching ambition while a thin horse has long hair

rén hái méi dào shēng xiān dào人还没到声先到a talkative man with a high voice can make himself heard even before his appearance

tā niàn tā de jīng wǒ bài wǒ de fó他念他的经,我拜我的佛the monk reads the scriptures while I worship the Buddha

fó miàn shang guā jīn佛面上刮金scrape gold powder from the Buddha's face

nǐ jǐng shēn wǒ shéng cháng你井深,我绳长if the well is deep, I will prolong the rope of the bucket to get water

guāng yǒu gǔ chui qiāo bù xiǎng光有鼓槌敲不响without the drum, the drumstick would be of no use

chū le shān mén dǎ shī fu出了山门打师傅as soon as the monk leaves the temple, he will beat his master

chū shuǐ fāng kàn liǎng tuǐ ní出水方看两腿泥only when one comes out of the water can he be seen the mud on both legs

bàn jié shēn zi rù tǔ半截身子入土have one foot in the grave

yòu xiǎng chī yú yòu pà xīng又想吃鱼又怕腥want to eat fish but be afraid of the smell

chī mí hún tāng吃迷魂汤have magic potion

tǔ kǒu tuò mo néng bǎ rén yān sǐ吐口唾沫能把人淹死one's spittle can make others drown

zài jiā pín yì hǎo在家贫亦好although there are not many well-paid jobs at hometown, I feel ate at home

zuò bù dào yī tiáo dèng shàng坐不到一条凳上several people can't sit on the same bench

wài míng bù zhī lǐ àn外明不知里暗people who stay outside where it is bright don't know the darkness inside

hǎo chǒu mìng shēng chéng好丑命生成appearance is destined by fate

hǎo jiǔ chū bèi xiàng好酒出背巷good wine sometimes comes from unknown streets; talents or goods often come from places with poor conditions

hǎo mǎ yě yǒu shī tí shí好马也有失蹄时even experienced horses may fall down; even people with great ability sometimes make mistakes

jiān pì gu尖屁股have a sharp butt; be of no patience

nòng cháo xū shì nòng cháo rén弄潮须是弄潮人only a seaman is capable of riding tides; great achievements are made by great men

dāng jiā cái zhī chái mǐ guì当家才知柴米贵no one knows the difficulty of running a household unless he becomes the head of a family; only when one has done something by himself can he know the difficulty

dān zhé zhī chái zhòng担折知柴重only when the carrying pole is broken can one know the weight of firewood; only after setbacks, can he know the difficulty

zǎo qǐ sān cháo dāng yī gōng早起三朝当一工getting up early for three consecutive days, and the morning time saved can allow one to finish a day's workload; one should get up early when he has to work

yǒu qián nán mǎi shào nián shí有钱难买少年时youth can not be bought with money; cherish the precious youth

jiāng hé bù qǔ shuǐ bù liú江河不曲水不流if the rivers do not crook, water does not flow; there are always twists and turns

méi dé suàn ji yī shì qióng没得算计一世穷if one can't make plans, he will live in poverty all his life

bǎi chǐ gāo lóu cóng dì qǐ百尺高楼从地起the loftiest towers are built up from the ground; great oaks from little acorns grow

bǎi bù wú qīng dān百步无轻担if one carries only a small load, he still feels tired when he takes a hundred steps

ěr duo sāi jī máo耳朵塞鸡毛put a feather in the ear; turn a deaf ear to others' words

bì shang yǎn jing zhuō má què闭上眼睛捉麻雀catch sparrows with eyes closed; act blindly

wèn biàn wàn jiā shì háng jiā问遍万家是行家if one consults ten thousand people, he will become an expert; keep learning and consulting others in order to become an expert

jī wō lǐ cáng bù zhù fèng huáng鸡窝里藏不住凤凰phoenix can't be hidden in a chicken coop; talented people aren't willing to stay in small places

dōng fēng chuī mǎ ěr东风吹马耳fall on deaf ears; like the east wind blowing at the ear of a horse

dōng chě hú lu xī chě piáo东扯葫芦西扯瓢talk aimlessly

zhǎn mù jiē gān斩木揭竿rise up in arms

wàn fú mò kāi万夫莫开the terrain is very dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack

rén wéi dāo zǔ人为刀俎be on somebody's chopping block

wǒ wéi yú ròu我为鱼肉be on somebody's chopping block

qióng qiě yì jiān穷且益坚the greater the adversity, the stronger the will

fù gū bó xī妇姑勃溪squabbles between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law over trivials

wèng yǒu shéng shū瓮牖绳枢poor family

ān shí chù shùn安时处顺stick to the status quo