Common idioms and proverbs L6

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 6.

yī wén bù míng一文不名not have a penny to one's name

yī guō duān一锅端completely wipe out; bring everything out

yī fēng chuī一风吹be gone with the wind

yī lín bàn zhǎo一鳞半爪one scale and half a claw

bù jí bù lí不即不离maintain a discreet distance

bù qíng zhī qǐng不情之请my presumptuous request

bù zú wéi xùn不足为训not an example to be followed

yǐ jǐng xiào yóu以儆效尤punish somebody as a warning to others

yǐ lín wéi hè以邻为壑shift one's troubles onto others

zuò bì shàng guān作壁上观sit by and watch

dǎng tóng fá yì党同伐异stick together with one's own faction members and attack those who belong to other factions

jù tǐ ér wēi具体而微miniature

lì tòu zhǐ bèi力透纸背vigorous; penetrating

láo yàn fēn fēi劳燕分飞the shrike and the swallow fly in different directions

láo kǔ gōng gāo劳苦功高have worked hard and performed a valuable service

bó wén qiáng jì博闻强记extensive experience and a good memory

què zhī bù gōng却之不恭refuse would be impolite

chī huí tóu cǎo吃回头草go back to graze the grass left behind

chī bái shí吃白食live off others

chī bì mén gēng吃闭门羹on the wrong side of the door

hòu tái lǎo bǎn后台老板boss of a theatrical troupe; backstage boss

tún jī jū qí囤积居奇hoarding and cornering

zuò lěng bǎn dèng坐冷板凳sit on a cold bench

xué fù wǔ chē学富五车have a wealth of knowledge

shī wèi sù cān尸位素餐neglect one's duties while in office

píng pū zhí xù平铺直叙tell in a simple, straightforward way

dé lǒng wàng shǔ得陇望蜀covet the land of Shu after capturing the region of Long

wēi yán dà yì微言大义subtle words with profound meaning

gǎn kǎi xì zhī感慨系之sigh with deep feeling

cái gāo bā dǒu才高八斗be endowed with great/unusual talents

dǎ yǎ mí打哑谜speak in riddles

dǎ yá jì打牙祭have a square meal occasionally

dǎ suàn pan打算盘work/operate/use an abacus; calculate

dǎ luò shuǐ gǒu打落水狗beat a drowning dog

tóu táo bào lǐ投桃报李give a plum in return for a peach—exchange gifts/favours

tóu bǐ cóng róng投笔从戎cast aside the pen and join the army—forsake the pen for the sword

shí rén yá huì拾人牙慧steal/appropriate other people's ideas as one's own

shǔ diǎn wàng zǔ数典忘祖give all the historical facts except those about one's own ancestors

wén guò shì fēi文过饰非conceal faults and gloss over wrongs

wú wàng zhī zāi无妄之灾undeserved ill turn

wú suǒ bù zhì无所不至penetrate everywhere; spare no pains

rì bó xī shān日薄西山be in the evening of one's life

míng rì huáng huā明日黄花chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival

lǐ dài táo jiāng李代桃僵palm off a substitute for the real thing; sacrifice oneself for another person

bēi pán láng jí杯盘狼藉a glorious mess

bǎn shàng dìng dīng板上钉钉be finalized

liáng shàng jūn zǐ梁上君子burglar

hé dōng shī hǒu河东狮吼lioness's roar

luò yáng zhǐ guì洛阳纸贵the overwhelming popularity of a new work causes a shortage of paper

jī zhuó yáng qīng激浊扬清drive out evil and usher in good

huǒ zhōng qǔ lì火中取栗use another person to accomplish one's own aim

gǒu wěi xù diāo狗尾续貂join a dog's tail to a marten

bǎi zhé bù huí百折不回advance bravely and never withdraw

shuò dà wú péng硕大无朋gigantic

bì lù lán lǚ筚路蓝缕drive a cart in rags to blaze a new trail—endure great hardships in starting up a project

qìng zhú nán shū罄竹难书too many crimes to record

péng bì shēng huī蓬荜生辉Friends grace somebody's house with their presence.

xū yǔ wēi yí虚与委蛇feign politeness and compliance

yíng yíng gǒu gǒu蝇营狗苟ingratiate oneself with someone to gain one's ends

píng tóu pǐn zú评头品足comment from head to feet

hán dān xué bù邯郸学步imitate others slavishly only to lose one's own individuality and attributes

zhōng líng yù xiù钟灵毓秀a fine natural environment nurtures great talents

zī zhū bì jiào锱铢必较fight over the smallest trifles

mǎ gé guǒ shī马革裹尸die on the battlefield

bù shèng qí fán不胜其烦be pestered/bored beyond endurance

mìng tú duō chuǎn命途多舛suffer many setbacks during one's life

qì xī yǎn yǎn气息奄奄be at one's last gasp; on the verge of extinction

cāng hǎi héng liú沧海横流seas in turbulence

zhù zuò děng shēn著作等身an author with many works to his credit

yí shì dú lì遗世独立cut oneself off from the rest of the world

shǎn shuò qí cí闪烁其辞be evasive in words

shí bù guǒ fù食不果腹drive at high speed

lóng hǔ dòu龙虎斗metaphor for a fierce fight between well-matched rivals

yī jiè shū shēng一介书生be nothing but a scholar

bù fēn xuān zhì不分轩轾be equally matched

bù xiào zǐ sūn不肖子孙unworthy descendants

yú yīn niǎo niǎo余音袅袅The music lingered in the air long after the performance ended.

yǒu mén lù有门路have a way out

wù huá tiān bǎo物华天宝Good products from the earth are nature's treasures.

hào shǒu qióng jīng皓首穷经study the classics even though one is very old

qū zhī ruò wù趋之若骛go after in a swarm

shēn wú cháng wù身无长物have nothing but the necessities of living

zhú lù zhōng yuán逐鹿中原fight for the throne

xiè hòu xiāng yù邂逅相遇a chance meeting

hùn hùn dùn dùn混混沌沌used as a reduplicated word of 混沌

yīn gōu li fān chuán阴沟里翻船capsize in a drain

yī kē shù shang diào sǐ一棵树上吊死insist on hanging oneself on one tree

yī zuì jiě qiān chóu一醉解千愁seek solace in liquor

luàn diǎn yuān yang pǔ乱点鸳鸯谱randomly match two mandarin ducks

rén xīn dōu shì ròu zhǎng de人心都是肉长的the heart is made of flesh and blood

dī tóu bù jiàn tái tóu jiàn低头不见抬头见no matter if they bow or raise their heads, they can meet each other

yī zhě fù mǔ xīn医者父母心doctors is to patients what parents is to children

zì gǔ yīng xióng chū shào nián自古英雄出少年heroes come from young and promising people

yī wù xiáng yī wù一物降一物everything has its weakness; one thing conquers another

qiāng dǎ chū tóu niǎo枪打出头鸟the bird which takes the lead gets shot first; the outstanding usually bear the brunt of attack

yīng xióng wú yòng wǔ zhī dì英雄无用武之地have no scope for the exercise of his or her abilities

yī bào huán yī bào一报还一报retribution paid out in kind

rén xīn bù zú shé tūn xiàng人心不足蛇吞象a man whose heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant; insatiable greed

rén pà chū míng zhū pà zhuàng人怕出名猪怕壮a man dreads fame as a pig dreads being fat

bīng bài rú shān dǎo兵败如山倒an army in flight is like a landslide; a rout is like a landslide