Common idioms and proverbs L6

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 6.

yī yī dài shuǐ一衣带水be separated only by a narrow strip of water

shàng xíng xià xiào上行下效subordinates follow the example of their superiors

bù kě shèng shǔ不可胜数countless

bù xué wú shù不学无术ignorant and incompetent

rén jié dì líng人杰地灵hotbed of talent

zhàng yì zhí yán仗义执言speak out from a sense of justice

xiū qī yǔ gòng休戚与共share weal and woe

guāng guài lù lí光怪陆离bizarre and motley

rù bù fū chū入不敷出can’t make ends meet

chū qí zhì shèng出奇制胜defeat one's opponent by a surprise move

fēn bēng lí xī分崩离析disintegrate

fēn tíng kàng lǐ分庭抗礼stand up to somebody as an equal

huá ér bù shí华而不实superficially clever

chī dà guō fàn吃大锅饭eat in the cafeteria the same as everyone else; get the same reward or pay regardless of one's performance in work

yǎo wén jiáo zì咬文嚼字be excessively particular about wording

dà fàng jué cí大放厥词loosen one's tongue

dà ér huà zhī大而化之carelessly

tiān huā luàn zhuì天花乱坠flowers cascading from the sky

rú qì rú sù如泣如诉like weeping out one's grievances

gū kǔ líng dīng孤苦伶仃be lone and helpless

ān zhī ruò sù安之若素bear with equanimity

duì bù gōng táng对簿公堂confront at court

xiǎo jiā bì yù小家碧玉a pretty girl of humble birth

shào bù gēng shì少不更事young and inexperienced

lǚ shì bù shuǎng屡试不爽put to repeated tests and proved right

zuǒ yòu féng yuán左右逢源be able to achieve success one way or another; gain advantage from both sides

yì qì yòng shì意气用事be swayed by personal feelings

chéng qì hòu成气候make good

dǎ hā ha打哈哈joke

fú yáo zhí shàng扶摇直上skyrocket

tóu shǔ jì qì投鼠忌器hesitate to pelt a rat for fear of smashing the dishes—hold back from taking action against an evildoer for fear of harming good people

gǎi xián gēng zhāng改弦更张make a fresh start

jìng xiè bù mǐn敬谢不敏I beg to be excused.

wú suǒ bù wéi无所不为stop at nothing

wàng qí xiàng bèi望其项背can see somebody's neck and back

wàng chuān qiū shuǐ望穿秋水keep looking for somebody or something till one's eyes are strained

qī qī ài ài期期艾艾stammer

shā fēng jǐng杀风景ruin the scenery

héng qī shù bā横七竖八higgledy-piggledy

qiú quán zé bèi求全责备demand perfection

méi jīng dǎ cǎi没精打采be in low spirits

shēn móu yuǎn lǜ深谋远虑be circumspect and far-sighted

shú néng shēng qiǎo熟能生巧Practice makes perfect.

ài mò néng zhù爱莫能助willing to help but unable to do so

dēng táng rù shì登堂入室pass through the hall into the inner chamber

bái jū guò xì白驹过隙a glimpse of a white colt flashing past a chink in a wall

pí kāi ròu zhàn皮开肉绽the skin torn and the flesh gaping

mù guāng rú jù目光如炬eyes blazing with anger; looking ahead with wisdom

xiāng jìng rú bīn相敬如宾treat each other with the respect due to a guest

xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn相见恨晚regret we didn't meet sooner

lí qún suǒ jū离群索居live in solitude

jī zhòng nán fǎn积重难返bad old practices die hard

kōng tóu zhī piào空头支票dud cheque; empty promise

kōng xué lái fēng空穴来风An empty hole invites the wind—weakness lends wings to rumours.

fěn mò dēng chǎng粉墨登场put on makeup and go on stage; enter the political arena

sù mèi píng shēng素昧平生have never met before

huì shēng huì sè绘声绘色vivid

fān yún fù yǔ翻云覆雨be given to playing tricks

lǎo dāng yì zhuàng老当益壮old but vigorous

ěr tí miàn mìng耳提面命pour exhortations into somebody's ear

sǒng rén tīng wén耸人听闻create a great sensation

liáo yǐ zì wèi聊以自慰just to console oneself

mò zhōng yī shì莫衷一是unable to agree

píng shuǐ xiāng féng萍水相逢meet by chance like patches of drifting duckweed

jiàn rén jiàn zhì见仁见智opinions differ

huì mò rú shēn讳莫如深not breathe a word to a soul

yǔ yān bù xiáng语焉不详not elaborate

jǐn xiǎo shèn wēi谨小慎微be timid and overcautious

yí xiào dà fāng贻笑大方expose oneself to ridicule

zǒu jiāng hú走江湖wander from place to place and earn a living by juggling, fortune-telling, etc.

zǒu mǎ guān huā走马观花cast only a passing glance at

guò yóu bù jí过犹不及Too much is as bad as too little.

bī shàng liáng shān逼上梁山be driven to join the Liangshan rebels

tí hú guàn dǐng醍醐灌顶be enlightened

chóng zhěng qí gǔ重整旗鼓begin all over again

jiān bù róng fà间不容发not a hair's breadth apart

léi tíng wàn jūn雷霆万钧an irresistible force

tāo guāng yǎng huì韬光养晦hide one's capacities and bide one's time

yí zhǐ qì shǐ颐指气使order people about by facial expressions

fēng huá zhèng mào风华正茂in one's prime

gāo shān liú shuǐ高山流水high mountains and flowing waters; understanding friends

gāo péng mǎn zuò高朋满座a great gathering of honored friends/guests

guǐ fǔ shén gōng鬼斧神工extremely skillful

yǐ tuì wéi jìn以退为进make concessions in order to gain advantages

qiān hū wàn huàn千呼万唤invite somebody time and again

míng zào yī shí名噪一时be all the vogue

zhēng róng suì yuè峥嵘岁月crowded months and years of endeavor

cè yǐn zhī xīn恻隐之心compassion

shā rén rú má杀人如麻kill people like flies

zhē tiān bì rì遮天蔽日blot out the sky and the sun

jiān rěn bù bá坚忍不拔firm and indomitable

rú lǚ bó bīng如履薄冰like walking on thin ice

niǔ zhuǎn qián kūn扭转乾坤turn an unfavorable situation around

dǐng lì xiāng zhù鼎力相助we are most grateful for your valuable assistance

yǒu hǎo xì kàn有好戏看there is a good play to watch; a ridiculous or embarrassing outcome is expected

yī shī zú chéng qiān gǔ hèn一失足成千古恨a single slip may cause lasting sorrow; the error of a moment becomes the remorse of a lifetime

kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má快刀斩乱麻cut a tangled skein of jute with a sharp knife; take resolute and effective measures to solve a complicated problem

bì qí gōng yú yī yì毕其功于一役accomplish the whole task at one go

shí shí wù zhě wéi jùn jié识时务者为俊杰those who suit their actions to the times are wise

chī lì bù tǎo hǎo吃力不讨好arduous but fruitless