Common idioms and proverbs L6

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 6.

bù kān zhī lùn不刊之论unalterable or irrefutable argument

bù kě xiàng ěr不可向迩hold off

bù yì zhī lùn不易之论irrefutable argument

cóng jiàn rú liú从谏如流be able to accept advice from one's inferiors

bié wú cháng wù别无长物not have a penny to one's name

bó wén qiáng zhì博闻强识have encyclopaedic knowledge

chī qiāng yào吃枪药be short-tempered and irritable

hán gòu rěn rǔ含垢忍辱endure contempt and insults

hán yīng jǔ huá含英咀华study and grasp the essence of something

āi bīng bì shèng哀兵必胜an army under heavy pressure and burning with indignation is sure to win

yīn rén chéng shì因人成事rely/depend on others for success

chéng xià zhī méng城下之盟terms accepted under duress

qí wén gòng shǎng奇文共赏share the pleasure of reading a rare piece of writing

rú zuò chūn fēng如坐春风just like being in warm and soft wind in spring

ān tǔ zhòng qiān安土重迁hate to leave one's native land

wěi dà bù diào尾大不掉the tail is too big to wag

shī xīn zì yòng师心自用show overconfidence in oneself

kāi mén yī dào开门揖盗open the door to robbers-invite disaster by letting in evil-doers

qì jiǎ yè bīng弃甲曳兵throw away armor and trail weapons-flee pell-mell

tán guān xiāng qìng弹冠相庆congratulate each other on the prospect of getting good appointments

dé yú wàng quán得鱼忘筌forget what led to one's success

hù è bù quān怙恶不悛be steeped in evil and refuse to repent

qíng suí shì qiān情随事迁feelings change with the circumstances

dǎ tóu pào打头炮fire the first shot; be the first to act or speak

dǎ biān gǔ打边鼓speak up for somebody from the sidelines

lā shān tóu拉山头form a faction

zhuó fà nán shǔ擢发难数too numerous to count

wén bù jiā diǎn文不加点never make the slightest change or revision in one's writing

wén tián wǔ xī文恬武嬉corrupt regime

bào hǔ píng hé暴虎冯河act with reckless courage

qū tū xǐ xīn曲突徙薪bend the chimney and remove the fuel

péng bǐ wéi jiān朋比为奸collude

fèi fǎn yíng tiān沸反盈天riotous

fén gāo jì guǐ焚膏继晷burn the midnight oil

guā tián lǐ xià瓜田李下be found in a suspicious position

huáng tiān hòu tǔ皇天后土Heaven and Earth

huò qǐ xiāo qiáng祸起萧墙trouble arises within the family; #$

bài guān yě shǐ稗官野史book of historical anecdotes

guǎn kuī lí cè管窥蠡测restricted in vision and shallow in understanding

fá bù dāng zuì罚不当罪be unduly punished

zuì bù róng zhū罪不容诛be guilty of crimes for which even death is insufficient punishment

ěr duo ruǎn耳朵软credulous

jiāo zhù gǔ sè胶柱鼓瑟once the pegs are glued in place, the zither cannot be retuned

yào yán bù fán要言不烦brief and to the point

jì rì chéng gōng计日程功estimate exactly how much time is needed to complete a project

zhuī wáng zhú běi追亡逐北same as 追奔逐北

zhōng míng dǐng shí钟鸣鼎食affluent and extravagant lifestyle

shǒu shǔ liǎng duān首鼠两端cannot decide which way to follow

gāo shān jǐng xíng高山景行lofty morality

péng chéng wàn lǐ鹏程万里A roc can reach a destination of a myriad miles away at one jump -- have a bright future.

bù rěn zú dú不忍卒读can't bear to read it bacause of the work is so sad and moving

bù chěng zhī tú不逞之徒desperado

bǎ shuǐ jiǎo hún把水搅浑muddy the water

shí guāi mìng jiǎn时乖命蹇fall on bad times

huàn rán bīng shì涣然冰释melt away

jīn zhēn dù rén金针度人teach others a knack of the trade

sān rén chéng hǔ三人成虎If three people give testimony of a tiger, it will sound true.

èr sān qí dé二三其德be in two minds

xìn bǐ tú yā信笔涂鸦The handwriting is like chicken tracks-write a poor hand.

wēi yán wēi xíng危言危行cautious speech and conduct

āi ér bù shāng哀而不伤be mournful but not distressing; be plaintive but not depressing

yīn lì chéng biàn因利乘便employ favourable situation

tiān xià guī xīn天下归心Throughout the empire all hearts turned to him.

pó suō qǐ wǔ婆娑起舞begin to trip a measure

xí juǎn tiān xià席卷天下absorb the whole world like the rolling up of a mat

huái jǐn wò yú怀瑾握瑜be in possession of learning and virtue

è yī è shí恶衣恶食coarse clothing and simple food

zhāo bù móu xī朝不谋夕be in a precarious state

lái zhě kě zhuī来者可追The future can still be redeemed.

mín yīn guó fù民殷国富The people live in plenty and the country prospers.

qiú tián wèn shè求田问舍desire nothing but a homestead

yóu mù chěng huái游目骋怀look as far as one's eyes can see and give free rein to one's thoughts and feelings

wèi xǐ bù qián畏葸不前hesitate to press forward

qiū yuè chūn fēng秋月春风the autumn moon and spring breeze

qióng ér hòu gōng穷而后工Literary excellence is achieved only after many frustrations.

jié cǎo xián huán结草衔环make a grass knot or champ a ring in order to repay kindness

shèng yǒu rú yún胜友如云a cloud of good friends

biǎo lǐ shān hé表里山河situated at the foot of a hill and beside a river

chén yán wù qù陈言务去rid an article of hackneyed phrases

è piǎo biàn yě饿殍遍野Fields strewn with corpses of the starved

nòng shǒu jiǎo弄手脚play tricks

xiǎn qīn yáng míng显亲扬名achieve/win eminence for oneself as well as one's family

dù juān tí xuè杜鹃啼血cuckoo lament

qiū háo bù fàn秋毫不犯not commit the slightest offence against people

yī hǎo bǎi hǎo一好百好what is good is all good

yī nǎo mén zi guān si一脑门子官司straight face

rén huó qī shí gǔ lái xī人活七十古来稀in the past, a 70-year-old man was not common

liú lǎo lao jìn dà guān yuán刘姥姥进大观园granny Liu pays a visit to the Grand View Garden

chuàng yè róng yì shǒu yè nán创业容易守业难it is more difficult to develop a business than to start one

chī shuǐ bù wàng jué jǐng rén吃水不忘掘井人one should never forget the well-digger when drinking water

chī bào zi dǎn吃豹子胆eat the gall of the leopard

jūn zǐ yǒu chéng rén zhī měi君子有成人之美a gentleman will help others realize their dream

duì miàn bù xiāng shí对面不相识not recognize each other even face to face; miss a golden chance

lì jūn lìng zhuàng立军令状write a letter of guarantee

zì gǔ hóng yán duō bó mìng自古红颜多薄命since ancient times, beautiful women often have an unfortunate life

zhú tǒng dǎo dòu zi竹筒倒豆子withhold nothing

yī kè bù fán èr zhǔ一客不烦二主seek help from only one person

rén qióng zhì bù qióng人穷志不穷cherish great ambition despite one's humble position

hǎo gāng yòng zài dāo rèn shang好钢用在刀刃上use the best steel to make the knife's edge

yǒu zhì bù zài nián gāo有志不在年高success goes to the determined regardless of age