一刀切make everything rigidly uniform regardless of the actual situations
一见如故feel like old friends at the first meeting
不亦乐乎The Analects·Learning:"Isn't it a pleasure?"
不可开交cannot get rid of or finish off
不知所云not know what somebody is driving at
不谋而合agree without prior consultation
不近人情be devoid of human feelings
义愤填膺afire with noble indignation
义无反顾honor permits no turning back
凤毛麟角as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns
刮目相看have a complete new appraisal of somebody
勉为其难be coaxed into attempting something beyond one's abilities
发人深思prompt somebody to deep thought
天马行空like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies
失之交臂slip through one's fingers
奋不顾身dash ahead regardless of one's safety
好整以暇remain calm while handling pressing affairs
心有余悸be still in a state of shock
忍无可忍be at the limits of one's patience
情不自禁be seized with a sudden impulse to
感同身受feel as if one experiences something in person
按部就班follow the prescribed order
振振有词speak plausibly and volubly
改头换面change the outside/appearance
无可厚非give no cause for criticism
正襟危坐straighten one's clothes and sit properly
水落石出Everything comes to light.
炉火纯青reach the acme of perfection
白头偕老live together till old age
相濡以沫help each other to pull through a plight/crisis
约法三章draw up a few simple rules
耳熟能详very familiar with something for having heard it many times
袖手旁观look on/stand by with folded arms
语重心长sincere words and earnest wishes
身体力行earnestly practice what one advocates/preaches
长治久安lasting political stability
集思广益benefit by mutual discussion
青梅竹马a friendship formed in childhood
面目全非be changed beyond recognition
不负众望live up to popular expectations
严于律己be strict in examining oneself