Common idioms and proverbs L6

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 6.

yī dāo qiē一刀切make everything rigidly uniform regardless of the actual situations

yī fān fēng shùn一帆风顺plain sailing

yī jiàn rú gù一见如故feel like old friends at the first meeting

bù yī ér zú不一而足numerous

bù yì lè hū不亦乐乎The Analects·Learning:"Isn't it a pleasure?"

bù yǐ wéi yì不以为意pay no attention to

bù yǐ wéi rán不以为然disagree

bù kě kāi jiāo不可开交cannot get rid of or finish off

bù kě sī yì不可思议unimaginable

bù kě lǐ yù不可理喻unreasonable

bù qī ér yù不期而遇have a chance encounter

bù zhī suǒ yún不知所云not know what somebody is driving at

bù móu ér hé不谋而合agree without prior consultation

bù jìn rén qíng不近人情be devoid of human feelings

wéi suǒ yù wéi为所欲为act willfully

yì fèn tián yīng义愤填膺afire with noble indignation

yì wú fǎn gù义无反顾honor permits no turning back

rén fú yú shì人浮于事overstaffed

xìn kǒu kāi hé信口开河have a loose tongue

xìn shì dàn dàn信誓旦旦pledge in all sincerity

xiān rù wéi zhǔ先入为主have a preconception

xìng gāo cǎi liè兴高采烈excited

fèng máo lín jiǎo凤毛麟角as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns

bié kāi shēng miàn别开生面break a new path

guā mù xiāng kàn刮目相看have a complete new appraisal of somebody

miǎn wéi qí nán勉为其难be coaxed into attempting something beyond one's abilities

fěi yí suǒ sī匪夷所思incredibly queer

zhuó yǒu chéng xiào卓有成效fruitful

wēi zài dàn xī危在旦夕in imminent danger

fā rén shēn sī发人深思prompt somebody to deep thought

gè shū jǐ jiàn各抒己见each airs his own views

tūn tūn tǔ tǔ吞吞吐吐hesitant in speech

xǐ chū wàng wài喜出望外be pleasantly surprised

jiān rèn bù bá坚韧不拔firm and indomitable

chuí tóu sàng qì垂头丧气be crestfallen

chǔ xīn jī lǜ处心积虑incessantly scheme

tiān lún zhī lè天伦之乐family happiness

tiān mǎ xíng kōng天马行空like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies

shī zhī jiāo bì失之交臂slip through one's fingers

fèn bù gù shēn奋不顾身dash ahead regardless of one's safety

hào zhěng yǐ xiá好整以暇remain calm while handling pressing affairs

píng xīn jìng qì平心静气dispassionately

xīn yǒu yú jì心有余悸be still in a state of shock

rěn wú kě rěn忍无可忍be at the limits of one's patience

xī xī xiāng guān息息相关vitally interrelated

qíng bù zì jīn情不自禁be seized with a sudden impulse to

gǎn tóng shēn shòu感同身受feel as if one experiences something in person

màn tiáo sī lǐ慢条斯理slowly

yáng méi tǔ qì扬眉吐气feel proud and elated

àn bù jiù bān按部就班follow the prescribed order

zhèn zhèn yǒu cí振振有词speak plausibly and volubly

yáo yáo yù zhuì摇摇欲坠on the verge of collapse

gǎi tóu huàn miàn改头换面change the outside/appearance

wú kě hòu fēi无可厚非give no cause for criticism

wú kě fēi yì无可非议above criticism

wú jì yú shì无济于事not help matters

céng jǐ hé shí曾几何时before long

wàng ér què bù望而却步flinch

lín lín zǒng zǒng林林总总numerous

zhèng dà guāng míng正大光明be open and aboveboard

zhèng jīn wēi zuò正襟危坐straighten one's clothes and sit properly

měi kuàng yù xià每况愈下go from bad to worse

shuǐ luò shí chū水落石出Everything comes to light.

lú huǒ chún qīng炉火纯青reach the acme of perfection

lǐ suǒ dāng rán理所当然as a matter of course

bái tóu xié lǎo白头偕老live together till old age

xiāng rú yǐ mò相濡以沫help each other to pull through a plight/crisis

jīn pí lì jìn筋疲力尽tired out

yuē fǎ sān zhāng约法三章draw up a few simple rules

zhì zhī bù lǐ置之不理disregard

ěr shú néng xiáng耳熟能详very familiar with something for having heard it many times

ěr wén mù dǔ耳闻目睹what one sees and hears

gěng gěng yú huái耿耿于怀take something to heart

dǎn zhàn xīn jīng胆战心惊tremble with fear

zì dé qí lè自得其乐be content with one's lot

mò míng qí miào莫名其妙inexplicable

xiù shǒu páng guān袖手旁观look on/stand by with folded arms

yǔ zhòng xīn cháng语重心长sincere words and earnest wishes

shǎng xīn yuè mù赏心悦目be good to hear or see

shēn tǐ lì xíng身体力行earnestly practice what one advocates/preaches

yíng rèn ér jiě迎刃而解be readily solved

biàn tǐ lín shāng遍体鳞伤beaten black and blue

qiè ér bù shě锲而不舍persist without stopping

cháng zhì jiǔ ān长治久安lasting political stability

jí sī guǎng yì集思广益benefit by mutual discussion

qīng méi zhú mǎ青梅竹马a friendship formed in childhood

miàn mù quán fēi面目全非be changed beyond recognition

xiǎn wéi rén zhī鲜为人知little-known

bù fù zhòng wàng不负众望live up to popular expectations

yán yú lǜ jǐ严于律己be strict in examining oneself

rén mǎn wéi huàn人满为患overcrowded

yǐn rén zhù mù引人注目conspicuous

wú yōu wú lǜ无忧无虑free from all anxieties

huò rán kāi lǎng豁然开朗suddenly see the light

shēn lín qí jìng身临其境be personally on the scene

cēn cī bù qí参差不齐variable

tǎn tè bù ān忐忑不安fidgety

yì wèi shēn cháng意味深长be full of meaning

chǔ chǔ kě lián楚楚可怜delicate and charming

yī qù bù fù fǎn一去不复返gone never to return