New HSK level 789-3

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 3.

shū xiě书写write

shū jí书籍works

shū jì书记secretary; clerk

shū miàn书面in writing

shuā xīn刷新refurbish; surpass

shuāng xiàng双向two-way; two opposed directions

shuāng bāo tāi双胞胎twins

shuāng yíng双赢benefit both sides invloved

shuāng biān双边bilateral

shuāng chóng双重dual

shòu hài受害fall victim to

shòu hài rén受害人aggrieved party

shòu jīng受惊be frightened/startled

shòu lǐ受理accept and attend to; accept and hear a case

shòu yì受益benefit from

shòu kǔ受苦suffer

shòu huì受贿bribe-taking

shòu guò受过bear the blame

shòu piàn受骗be taken in

shòu jià售价price

shì hào嗜好habit; be obsessed with

shǒu hòu守候wait for; keep a vigil

shǒu hù守护guard; look after

shǒu zhū dài tù守株待兔await a windfall

shòu mìng寿命life; lifespan for use

shǔ xìng属性property; attribute

shǒu cè手册enchiridion; record book

shǒu shì手势signal

shǒu tóu手头financial situation; ability in writing and handling things

shǒu pà手帕handkerchief

shǒu zhǎng手掌palm

shǒu qiāng手枪pistol

shǒu jiǎo手脚hands and feet; motion

shǒu wàn手腕wrist; artifice

shǒu bì手臂arm; reliable helper

shǒu yì手艺craftsmanship

shū qíng抒情express one's emotions

shuāntie; be tied up

shòu yǔ授予award

shòu quán授权authorize

shuāi jiāo摔跤trip and fall; make a blunder

shōu mǎi收买purchase; buy over

shōu fù收复resume

shōu jù收据receipt

shōu zhī收支income and expenses

shōu liǎn收敛disappear; pull back

shōu liú收留have somebody in one's care/custody

shōu suō收缩contract; draw back

shù jù kù数据库data base

shù é数额quota

shǔ qī暑期summer vacation; the hottest time of the year

shǔ guāng曙光dawn light; bright prospect in sight

shù fù束缚bind up; restrain

shū niǔ枢纽key position

shù mù树木trees

shù shāo树梢treetop

shù lì树立establish

shù yīn树荫shade

shūcomb; comb one's hair

shū zi梳子comb

shū lǐ梳理comb out; card

shuǐ dào水稻paddy rice

shuànwash; scald thin slices of meat in boiling water

shuǎng kuai爽快refreshed; outright

shuàicommand; follow

shuǎiswing; throw

shū dǎo疏导dredge; direct

shū hu疏忽neglect

shū sàn疏散sparse; evacuate

shū tōng疏通dredge; mediate between two parties

shùupright; from top to bottom

shuǎplay; play

shuǎ lài耍赖act shamelessly

shū chàng舒畅entirely free from worry

shuāi jiǎn衰减weaken; attenuate

shuāi ruò衰弱weak; weaken

shuāi jié衰竭be exhausted; exhaustion

shuāi lǎo衰老senile

shuāi tuì衰退decline

shúredeem; atone for

shū jiā输家loser

shū yè输液infusion

shū xuè输血transfuse blood; aid

shū sòng输送transport

shì yí适宜appropriate

shì shì逝世pass away

shì fàng释放release; detachment

shuāngfrost; white

shǒu chuàng首创pioneer

shǒu fǔ首府the prefecture where the provincial capital is located; capital of an autonomous region or prefecture

shǒu yào首要key; leader

shǒu shì首饰head ornaments or headgear

shòu piào售票sell tickets

shōu shì lǜ收视率viewing rate

shuǐ cáo水槽trough

shǒu pī首批first batch

shǒu dòng手动hand-operated

shǒu shù shì手术室operating room

shù zhī树枝branch

shū péng书棚book shed