New HSK level 789-3

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 3.

wánball; pill


tū xiǎn凸显show clearly/distinctly

tuò yè唾液saliva

tuán huǒ团伙gang

tuán yuán团员member of a delegation; member of the Communist Youth League of China

tuán yuán团圆reunite; round

tuán jù团聚reunite; gather

tú xiàng图像picture

tú xíng图形graph; geometric figure

tú zhǐ图纸blueprint

tú biǎo图表chart

tǔ fěi土匪bandit

tǔ rǎng土壤soil

tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng土生土长autochthonous

wài qǐ外企foreign-funded enterprise

wài gōng外公maternal grandfather

wài hào外号nickname

wài pó外婆maternal grandmother

wài xíng外形appearance

wài yuán外援foreign aid; foreign/international player

wài xīng rén外星人extraterrestrial

wài jí外籍foreign nationality; having one's permanent residence registered elsewhere

wài háng外行lay; layman

wài biǎo外表exterior; personal appearance

wài mào外貌appearance

wài mào外贸external trade

tóu xián头衔rank

tuǒappropriate; finished

tuǒ xié妥协compromise

tuǒ shàn妥善appropriate

tuǒ dang妥当appropriate

wán bèi完备complete

wán hǎo完好intact

wán bì完毕end

wán dàn完蛋be done for

tú shā屠杀massacre

túncollect; station

tú bù徒步on foot

tuō fù托付entrust

tóu bèn投奔go to for shelter; go to participate in

tóu shè投射throw; project

tóu jī投机agreeable; speculate

tóu gǎo投稿submit a piece of writing for publication

tóu shēn投身devote/dedicate oneself to

tóu xiáng投降surrender

tuò kuān拓宽broaden

tuò zhǎn拓展expand

tuō yán拖延put off

tuō qiàn拖欠be in arrears

tuō lěi拖累tie down; involve

wā jué挖掘excavate; probe

wā ku挖苦speak sarcastically or ironically

wǎndraw; pull

wǎn huí挽回reverse the unfavourable situation; redeem

wǎn jiù挽救save

tuī xiè推卸shirk

tuī qiāo推敲deliberate

tuī duàn推断infer; deduction

tuī cè推测infer

tuī lǐ推理infer

tuī yí推移elapse; develop

tuī suàn推算calculate; tell fortune

tuī fān推翻overthrow; smash an old regime by force in order to bring about a complete change

tuī jiàn推荐recommend

tuī cí推辞decline

tuī xuǎn推选elect

wǎn nián晚年old age

wǎn jiān晚间evening

wāirecline; askew

wāi qū歪曲distort

spread on; scrawl

wán yì r玩意儿toy; thing

wán shuǎ玩耍have fun

tile; made of baked clay

bald; bare

tū jī突击make a sudden and violent attack; make a concentrated effort to finish a job quickly

tū fā突发happen suddenly

tū rú qí lái突如其来arise suddenly

tū pò kǒu突破口breach; a favorable perspective for solving a problem or completing a task

tuō kǒu ér chū脱口而出let slip

tuō jié脱节come apart

tuō luò脱落fall off; omit

tuō shēn脱身extricate oneself

tuō yǐng ér chū脱颖而出A talented person cannot be kept down.

tuì què退却retreat; hang/shrink back

tuì huí退回return; go/turn back

tuì xué退学discontinue one's schooling

tuì yì退役retire from active military service; retire from a professional position

tuì suō退缩cower

tuì ràng退让make way; concede

tòu chè透彻thorough

tòu zhī透支overdraw; overspend

tòu qì透气ventilate; breathe freely

tòu guò透过transmission

wán gù顽固headstrong; refuse to change one's stand or correct one's mistake in terms of politics

tuí fèi颓废decadent

tuócarry/bear on the back

tóu yūn头晕dizzy

tuì xiū jīn退休金pension